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Headword: *)appiano/s
Adler number: alpha,3198
Translated headword: Appianos, Appianus, Appian
Vetting Status: high
Proper name.
This Appian wrote a Roman history, the one called "Imperial". And the first three books of Appian include what was done by the Romans while they were still struggling with the Italians concerning rule and hegemony.[1] Whatever other things the Kelts and Libyans did and suffered in Italy, and whatever part of Italy passed over to them by necessity or treachery or error, these events are told in the books on the Kelts and Libyans.[2] Separate books were composed to narrate how Italy was divided in the civil uprisings of the Romans.[3] The fourth book contains in combination the wars with the Kelts (that is the Germans who are around the Rhine river) and the Galatians (that is the Gauls) and their causes, both whatever treaties and violations of treaties or rebellions of the Kelts came about up to the time of Gaius.[4] But whatever the Kelts did not for their own reasons but fighting in alliance with some of the Italians or as mercenaries, these deeds are written in the books concerning those people. And Appian mentions only enough for identification of them. He wrote Roman history in 9 books.
But some write "Apianos" with one p.[5]
Greek Original:
*)appiano/s: o)/noma ku/rion. ou(=tos o( *)appiano\s e)/graye *(rwmai+kh\n i(stori/an, th\n kaloume/nhn *basilikh/n. kai\ ai( me\n g# bi/bloi *)appianou= ai( prw=tai perilamba/nousin o(/sa *(rwmai/ois a)gwnizome/nois e)s *)italiw/tas e)/ti peri\ a)rxh=s kai\ h(gemoni/as e)pra/xqh. o(/sa d' a)mfi\ th\n *)itali/an a)/lla *keltoi/ te kai\ *li/bues e)/drasa/n te kai\ e)/paqon, kai\ ei)/ ti/ pou kai\ th=s *)itali/as me/ros a)na/gkais h)\ e)ne/drais h)\ pla/nais e)s au)tou\s mete/qeto, e)n toi=s peri\ *keltw=n kai\ *libu/wn. sugge/graptai d' e)f' e(autw=n o(/sa kai\ e)s ta\s e)mfuli/ous *(rwmai/wn sta/seis h( *)itali/a dih|rei=to. o(/ti tou\s pro\s *keltou\s, toute/sti *germanou\s, oi(\ a)mfi\ to\n *(rh=non potamo/n ei)si, kai\ tou\s *gala/tas, toute/sti *ga/llous, pole/mous, kai\ ta\s ai)ti/as au)tw=n, o(/sai te sunqh=kai kai\ sunqhkw=n paraba/seis h)\ e)panasta/seis e)ge/nonto *keltw=n e(/ws e)pi\ tou= *gai/+ou, h( d# bi/blos perie/xei sullabou=sa. ei) de/ ti/ pou *keltoi\ mh\ kata\ pro/fasin oi)kei/an, a)lla\ summaxou=ntes *)italw=n tisin h)\ misqoforou=ntes e)/pracan, e)n toi=s peri\ e)kei/nwn sugge/graptai. kai\ o(/son ei)s gnw/risma mo/non au)tw=n me/mnhtai *)appiano/s. e)/graye de\ *(rwmai+ka\ lo/gous e)nne/a. oi( de\ dia\ tou= e(no\s p gra/fousin *)apiano/s.
Appian was born in Alexandria (Egypt) at the end of the first century AD, but later moved to Rome, where he became a Roman citizen and died in the 160s. He wrote -- in Greek -- a history of Republican and early-imperial Roman conquests, ethnographically arranged and in 24 books, of which about half survive. His work is important to historians partly because of the range of sources he used (some of them now lost, such as Hieronymus of Cardia).
For the central and principal part of this entry cf. Photius, Bibliotheca cod.57.
[1] Book 1: early Rome, the period of the kings; books 2: the Italians; book 3: the Samnites.
[2] Book 8 deals with the Carthaginians (Libyans and Nomads), but Hannibal is in book 7.
[3] Books 13-17 concern the Civil Wars.
[4] Book 4 treated the Kelts. ("Gaius" is Caligula, emperor 37-41.)
[5] This form is otherwise attested only in a Demosthenic scholion, where (surely) it refers to someone else.
OCD(4) p.126 (by Kai Brodersen, summarizing his survey in ANRW 2.34.1 (1993) 339-63)
Gregory S. Bucher, "The Origins, Program, and Composition of Appian's Roman History," TAPhA 130 (2000) 411-458
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 January 2001@21:06:16.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics; raised status) on 24 January 2001@03:49:06.
David Whitehead (more notes; cosmetics) on 30 March 2012@06:51:11.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@07:55:22.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 17 March 2015@09:37:26.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 18 March 2015@03:53:03.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 September 2015@19:42:08.
David Whitehead (note typo) on 14 September 2015@02:42:59.


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