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Headword: *)anepieike/s
Adler number: alpha,2293
Translated headword: unseemly
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning something] unfitting, undecorous.
Arrian [writes]: "Alexander was so far from doing or performing anything unseemly at this, that he turned that very place over [to Khorienes]."[1]
Greek Original:
*)anepieike/s: a)noi/keion, a)prepe/s. *)arriano/s: o( de\ *)ale/candros tosou=ton a)nede/hsen a)nepieike/s ti e)s tou=to e)rga/sasqai h)\ a)podei/casqai, w(/ste kai\ au)to\ to\ xwri/on e)kei=no e)pitre/yai.
The headword is neuter nominative/accusative singular of this adjective. It is perhaps extracted from the quotation given here, though there are other extant possibilities, beginning with Aristophanes and Aeschines (sc.) Socraticus.
[1] Arrian, Anabasis 4.21.9 -- but the Suda's quotation of it is garbled in a most intriguing way. In place of Arrian's tosou/tou e)de/hsen, "lacked so much", "was so far from", the Suda has tosou/ton a)nede/hsen, using a)nade/w as a synonym for de/w in the sense of "lack". There are other pecularities as well. Here is the relevant passage of Arrian: kai\ tosou/tou e)de/hsen a)nepieike/s ti e)s to\n *xorih/nhn e)/rgon a)podei/casqai, w(/ste kai\ au)to\ to\ xwri/on e)kei=no e)pitre/pei *xorih/nh|....
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; military affairs; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 21 June 2000@10:12:41.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Added note) on 22 June 2000@00:32:41.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 8 March 2001@06:45:45.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; cosmetics) on 4 March 2012@08:34:07.
David Whitehead on 14 July 2015@10:40:20.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 16 July 2015@21:15:19.


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