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Headword: *)ana/lghtos
Adler number: alpha,1933
Translated headword: unfeeling
Vetting Status: high
Also [sc. attested is] dusana/lghtos ["hard-hearted"] in Sophocles: that is, hard to move, unfeeling, apathetic, unmerciful, stony. "For I should be hard-hearted not to have pity for such a supplication."[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related adverb] a)nalgh/tws ["painlessly"], [meaning] without feeling, without being troubled.[2]
Also [sc. attested is the genitive plural] a)nalgh/twn ["of those without feeling"], [meaning] of those without sympathy; or of those who do not altogether feel pain for someone or feel much pain, of those who have rejected us often. Sophocles [writes]: "alas, you cry the unspeakable deed of the twin unfeeling Atreidae in this grief." That is, in the present misfortune.[3]
Greek Original:
*)ana/lghtos. kai\ dusana/lghtos para\ *sofoklei=: toute/sti dusmeta/klhtos, a)nalgh\s, a)paqh\s, a)nhleh\s, sklhro/s. dusana/lghtos ga\r ei)/hn toia/nde mh\ katoiktei/rwn e(/dran. kai\ *)analgh/tws, a)naisqh/tws, a)po/nws. kai\ *)analgh/twn, a)sumpaqw=n: h)\ tw=n mhd' o(/lws a)lgou/ntwn e)pi/ tini h)\ polualgh/twn, tw=n ei)s pollaxh=| h(ma=s e)kbeblhko/twn. *sofoklh=s: w)/ moi a)nalgh/twn dissw=n e)qro/hsas a)/naudon e)/rgon *)atreidw=n tw=|d' a)/xei. toute/sti th=| parou/sh| sumfora=|.
The unglossed primary headword a)na/lghtos may or may not be quoted from somewhere.
cf. generally alpha 1098.
[1] Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus 12-13 (web address 1 below), with scholion.
[2] Same material in Photius and elsewhere.
[3] Sophocles, Ajax 946-8 (web address 2 below), with scholion.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; mythology; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 May 2001@17:48:00.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 14 May 2001@10:03:44.
David Whitehead (restorative cosmetics) on 29 July 2002@07:48:28.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; betacoding and other cosmetics) on 24 February 2012@05:57:46.
David Whitehead (x-ref) on 23 January 2014@06:52:32.
David Whitehead on 30 June 2015@03:26:39.
Catharine Roth (tweaked links) on 1 July 2015@21:52:07.


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