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Headword: Anastatoi
Adler number: alpha,2082
Translated headword: anastatoi
Vetting Status: high
A type of flat-cake. These used to be made for the Arrêphoroi themselves.[1] Certain flat-cakes called charisioi ["thank-offering cakes"] also used to be spoken of. These were mixed and made from the leftovers, and craftsmen [still?] shape them. Aristophanes in Banqueters [writes]: "I will send some thank-offering cakes in the evenings."[2] The amphiphôntes are made in the month of Mounychion on the sixteenth, and they are brought into the shrine of Artemis Mounychia.[3] As to why their name is amphiphôntes,[4] some [say that it is] because they are made at the time when the sun and the moon appear early over the earth; but Apollodorus [says that it is] because they fasten bundles of firewood to them when bringing them. But a phthoïs are[sic!] pastries, which they used to sacrifice to the gods with the intestines.[5] Moon-cakes [selênai] are wide pastries, circular; and pelanoi [are] pastries for the gods; but popana ["round-cakes"] [are different again]; and in Erechtheus Euripides called moon-cakes pelanoi: "and tell me, for you are sending from home a great pelanos, of these moon-cakes of a first fiery sprouting."[6] Besides six mooncakes they used to dress a "seventh ox", which had horns replicating the early moon. Accordingly they would sacrifice this ox in addition to four round-cakes and call it "fifth ox". But rather, "seventh ox" in addition to the six [mooncakes]. In reference to those who are unfeeling.[7]
Greek Original:
Anastatoi: plakountos eidos. houtoi de autais tais Arrêphorois eginonto. elegonto de tines plakountes kai charisioi. houtoi de apo tôn kataleipomenôn summignumenoi eginonto, kai dêmiourgoi plassousin. Aristophanês Daitaleusi: pempsô plakountas hesperas charisious. hoi de amphiphôntes ginontai Mounuchiônos mênos #2# epi deka, hoi kai eis to Mounuchias hieron tês Artemidos komizontai. onomazontai de amphiphôntes, hôs men tines hoti tote gignontai, hote hêlios te kai selênê prôï huper gês phainontai: hôs de Apollodôros, hoti komizousin autous daidia hêmmena parapêgnuntes ep' autôn. phthoïs de eisi pemmata, ha tois theois kai meta tôn splanchnôn ethuon. hai de selênai pemmata eisi platea, kukloterê: pelanoi de ta eis theous pemmata: popana de: kai en Erechthei tas selênas pelanous eirêken Euripidês: kai moi polun gar pelanon ekpempeis domôn, phrason selênas tasde purimou chloês. epi de hex selênais boun hebdomon epetton, kerata echonta kata mimêsin tês prôtophuous selênês. ethuon men oun kai epi tettarsi popanois touton ton boun kai ekaloun auton pempton boun. mallon de epi tais hex hebdomon boun. epi tôn anaisthêtôn.
The first part of this entry is expanded from Photius, Lexicon alpha1675 Theodoridis.
For a different sense of this headword see alpha 2081.
[1] See generally alpha 3863; and for the point cf. Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 3.114A (3.80 Kaibel).
[2] A garbled version of Aristophanes fr. 202 Kock, now 211 Kassel-Austin. (It is even worse at chi 121, q.v.)
[3] cf. Plutarch, Moralia 349F.
[4] What now follows has already appeared, more briefly, at alpha 1781.
[5] cf. phi 507.
[6] Euripides fr. 350; cf. sigma 204.
[7] cf. beta 458 and epsilon 25.
Keywords: chronology; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; proverbs; religion; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 December 2001@12:22:45.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords) on 20 December 2001@06:33:09.
David Whitehead (modified translation) on 30 March 2005@02:26:32.
David Whitehead (more notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 28 February 2012@06:01:55.
David Whitehead on 21 August 2013@08:14:25.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 January 2015@23:56:51.
David Whitehead (expanded a ref) on 14 January 2015@03:50:48.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 7 July 2015@08:34:25.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation on the basis of a suggestion of Brady Kiesling) on 27 December 2016@14:05:25.


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