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Search results for upsilon,49 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,49
Translated headword: water
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Water [is] either totally tasteless, as the doctors think; or almost tasteless. However it has the power to absorb all juices; that is why it benefits from any kind of juice, if it approaches it."[1]
Interpretation of dreams of [= by] Nicephorus the patriarch. Water gushing from below signifies enemies. To drink clear water, this [is] good. By drinking muddy water you will be among sorrows.[2]
Greek Original:*(/udwr: o(/ti to\ u(/dwr h)\ pantelw=s a)/xumon, w(s toi=s i)atroi=s dokei=: h)\ e)ggu\s a)/xumon. e)/xei me/ntoi du/namin pa/ntwn tw=n xumw=n dektikh/n: dio\ kai\ a)polau/ei panto\s xumou=, a)\n plhsia/sh| au)tw=|. lu/sis o)nei/rwn *nikhfo/rou patria/rxou: u(/dwr blu/zon ka/twqen e)xqrou\s mhnu/ei. u(/dwr diauge\s e)kpi/nein xrhsto\n to/de. u(/dwr pi/nwn u(lw=des e)n lu/pais e)/sh|.
[1] Joannes
Commentary on Aristotle's De anima 15.399.30-31, 400.2-4.
[2] From dream-interpretations, in verse, purportedly quoting Nicephorus the patriarch, as in
beta 351,
theta 11,
kappa 1663,
mu 302,
pi 1841,
sigma 133,
sigma 1129,
tau 1036, and
omicroniota 134. See however the note at
beta 351.
Keywords: Christianity; daily life; dreams; food; imagery; medicine; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 17 July 2009@15:14:00.
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