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Search results for theta,538 in Adler number:
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Headword: *quhpolou=si
Adler number: theta,538
Translated headword: they sacrifice
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] they travel about, promising to propitiate gods through sacrifices.
Greek Original:
*quhpolou=si: peripolou=si, dia\ qusiw=n u(pisxnou/menoi qeou\s e)cila/skesqai.
cf. generally theta 537
The headword is third person plural, present indicative active, of this verb. Same glossing in Photius and in Timaeus' Platonic Lexicon; taken to be quoted from Plato, Republic 364E.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 3 March 2008@21:57:10.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 4 March 2008@06:29:35.
David Whitehead (augmented note and keywords) on 7 January 2013@04:41:35.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 27 December 2014@23:48:48.


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