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Headword: *qwrh/casqai
Adler number: theta,441
Translated headword: to arm oneself, to get drunk
Vetting Status: high
Being armed and drinking and getting drunk [are called] qwrh/casqai. Since the chest [is] also qw/rac ['corslet'].[1] On account of heating the chest, therefore, they call getting drunk qwrh/ssein: they also call drunken men a)kromequ/sous. Anacreon also uses the expression. He says, "to me also raise the pitcher," which he calls qw/raka:[2] so qwrakisqh=nai [is] as if [to say] making the corselet full.[3]
So qwrh/comai means I will get drunk: and qw/rhcis ['drinking to intoxication'], drunkenness, or the damage caused by wine.[4]
Greek Original:
*qwrh/casqai: qwrh/casqai/ e)sti to\ kaqoplisqh=nai kai\ to\ pi/nein kai\ to\ mequsqh=nai. e)peidh\ qw/rac kai\ to\ sth=qos. dia\ to\ qermai/nein ou)=n to\ sth=qos qwrh/ssein le/gousi to\ mequ/ein: kai\ a)kroqw/rhkas tou\s a)kromequ/sous e)ka/loun. ke/xrhtai de\ th=| le/cei kai\ *)anakre/wn. e)cai/rein, fhsi/, ka)moi\ to\n xoa=, o(\n kalei= qw/raka: w(/ste qwrakisqh=nai oi(=on to\n qw/raka plhrw=sai. *qwrh/comai ou)=n a)nti\ tou= mequsqh/somai: kai\ *qw/rhcis, h( me/qh, h)\ h( a)po\ oi)/nou ginome/nh bla/bh.
The headword, an aorist middle infinitive, appears to be extracted from the scholion quoted; see below.
[1] cf. theta 439, theta 440.
[2] Anacreon fr. 147.
[3] Aristophanes, Acharnians 1133 (where the verb is used in both senses: web address 1), with scholion; cf. scholion on Aristophanes, Wasps 1195, and Etymologicum Magnum 460.36.
[4] cf. scholion on Nicander, Alexipharmaca 32; also ps.-Herodian and other lexica.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; imagery; medicine; military affairs; poetry
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 29 February 2008@15:52:46.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added keywords) on 1 March 2008@20:55:44.
Catharine Roth (more tweaks, notes, keywords, link, status) on 1 March 2008@22:27:46.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 2 March 2008@04:23:15.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 6 January 2013@04:35:22.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 11 December 2018@01:37:43.


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