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Headword: *topa/zein
Adler number: tau,773
Translated headword: to aim at, to guess
Vetting Status: high
Like to try to figure out, to ponder, to conjecture. Also [sc. attested is] e)to/pazon ["I was/they were guessing"] [used] similarly.[1] And [the verb is also used] by Sophocles in Erigone: "what I guess by opinion, these things I want to see clearly."[2] Because of this they also call to conjecture u(potopei=n ["to surmise"].
Greek Original:
*topa/zein: oi(=on stoxa/zesqai, e)nqumei=sqai, u(ponoei=n. kai\ e)to/pazon o(moi/ws. kai\ para\ *sofoklei= e)n *)hrigo/nh|: a(\ de\ do/ch| topa/zw, tau=t' i)dei=n safw=s qe/lw. dio\ kai\ u(potopei=n to\ u(ponoei=n le/gousi.
Same entry in Photius (tau381 Theodoridis) and similar one elsewhere: see e.g. Timaeus' Platonic Lexicon, Hesychius tau1145, Etymologicum Magnum 762.12-16, and a scholion on Plato, Laws 962C.
cf. tau 781, epsilon 3327.
[1] As Theodoridis (following Naber) notes, this is probably quoted from Plato, Laws 837E, where it is singular.
[2] Sophocles fr. 235 Radt.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 27 January 2014@01:02:28.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplemented tr; augmented notes; another keyword; tweaking) on 27 January 2014@03:08:38.
David Whitehead on 27 January 2014@03:09:05.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 27 December 2014@23:45:13.


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