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Search results for tau,764 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,764
Translated headword: the Skythian [and] the horse
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those secretly desirous of something, but in public repelled. Another version is: 'the Skythian [toying with] the horse'.
See in the [entry] '[the] Skythian'.[1] See the same proverb also in the [entry] 'acting coyly'.[2]
Greek Original:*to\n i(/ppon o( *sku/qhs: e)pi\ tw=n kru/fa tino\s e)fieme/nwn, fanerw=s de\ a)pwqoume/nwn. le/getai de\ kai/, o( *sku/qhs to\n i(/ppon. zh/tei kai\ e)n tw=| *sku/qhs. zh/tei th\n au)th\n paroimi/an kai\ e)n tw=| a)kkizo/menos.
Keywords: daily life; ethics; geography; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 20 May 2010@05:18:55.
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