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Headword: *timaxi/das *(ro/dios
Adler number: tau,599
Translated headword: Timachidas the Rhodian
Vetting Status: high
This man has made records of dinners in 11 books in hexameter verse; also Noumenios [sc. has written] a cookbook, and Matreas the Pitanean, and Hegemon the Thasian, who is called Lentil-soup;[1] and Artemidoros, the Pseudoaristophanean, who collected cookery writings;[2] and Philoxenos the son of Leukadios, from whom also Philoxenean flat-cakes [are named]. But Philoxenos was a gourmand to such an extent that openly in the baths he accustomed his hand to heat, putting it into hot water and gargling his mouth with hot water, so that he would be impervious to heat. And he used to instruct the cooks that they serve [him] the hottest [food] and that he alone should use it up. But they also tell many stories about Archytas. And Crobylos says, "But me, against these excessively hot [foodstuffs] I'm holding veritably Idaean (meaning chilly) dactyls, and I vaporize my throat most willingly with slices of fish."[3]
Greek Original:
*timaxi/das *(ro/dios: ou(=tos dei/pnwn a)nagrafa\s pepoi/htai e)n bibli/ois ia# di' e)pw=n, kai\ *noumh/nios o)yartutiko/n, kai\ *matre/as o( *pitanai=os kai\ *(hgh/mwn o( *qa/sios, o( e)piklhqei\s *fakh=: kai\ *)artemi/dwros, o( *yeudoaristofa/neios, o( o)yartutika\s le/ceis sunagagw/n: kai\ *filo/cenos o( *leukadi/ou: a)f' ou(= kai\ *filoce/neioi plakou=ntes. h)=n de\ o( *filo/cenos o)yofa/gos e)pi\ tosou=ton, w(/ste fanerw=s e)n toi=s balanei/ois th\n xei=ra suneqi/zein pro\s ta\ qerma/, kaqie/nta ei)s u(/dwr qermo\n kai\ to\ sto/ma a)nagargarizo/menon qermw=| u(/dati, o(/pws e)n toi=s qermoi=s duski/nhtos h)=|. kai\ tou\s o)yopoiou=ntas e)pepoiei=to, i(/na qermo/tata paratiqw=si kai\ mo/nos katanali/skh|. paraplh/sia de\ i(storou=si kai\ peri\ *)arxu/tou. kai\ *krw/bulo/s fhsin: e)gw\ de\ pro\s ta\ qerma\ tau=q' u(perbolh=| tou\s daktu/lous dh/pouqen *)idai/ous e)/xw [a)nti\ tou= yuxrou/s], kai\ to\n fa/rugg' h(/dista puriw= temaxi/ois.
A summary of Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 1.5A-D (1.8 Kaibel); quoted already at omicron 1091. This is also taken to be the Timachidas cited at sigma 502, q.v.
On Philoxenos more fully at phi 395.
[1] Hegemon: eta 52.
[2] See alpha 4026, omicron 1072.
[3] Crobylos fr. 8 Kock and K.-A.; quoted in part at iota 93.
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; food; geography; imagery; meter and music; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 February 2014@22:52:38.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 24 February 2014@01:21:24.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 24 February 2014@03:54:20.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 24 February 2014@09:22:00.
David Whitehead on 30 December 2014@04:55:17.


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