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Headword: *te/tanos
Adler number: tau,366
Translated headword: tetanus
Vetting Status: high
A disease occurring in horses.
For horses get sick with many diseases: foot disease, intestinal obstruction, tetanus, suppurations and surfeit. Surfeit[1] is an indigestion accompanied by a swaddling band, tetanus a spasm, instestinal disease a certain disposition of the bowels, suppuration a revolt in the belly, foot disease a pain in the joints. Also [sc. found is] difficulty in urinating.
Greek Original:
*te/tanos: no/sos peri\ tou\s i(/ppous gignome/nh. nosou=si ga\r oi( i(/ppoi plei/osi nosh/masi, poda/gra|, i)lew=|, teta/nw|, e)mpuh/sesi kai\ kriqia/sei. e)/sti de\ h( kriqi/asis w)mo/ths meta\ stro/fou, o( de\ te/tanos spasmo/s, h( de\ i)lew/dhs no/sos koiliakh/ tis dia/qesis, h( de\ e)mpu/hsis a)po/stasis e)n u(pogastri/w|, h( de\ poda/gra o)du/nh peri\ ta\ a)/rqra. kai\ dusouri/asis.
For this headword see also tau 367. The present entry's material, after the opening gloss, comes from the Epitome of Aristotle's History of Animals by Aristophanes of Byzantium; cf. epsiloniota 105, iota 305.
[1] Caused (as the etymology of the word suggests) by over-feeding with barley.
Keywords: botany; daily life; definition; food; medicine; zoology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 9 July 2009@20:54:08.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplemented tr; augmented notes; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 10 July 2009@03:47:33.
David Whitehead on 9 January 2014@05:06:50.
David Whitehead (coding) on 27 May 2016@11:22:16.


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