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Search results for sigma,955 in Adler number:
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Headword: *spodo/s
Adler number: sigma,955
Translated headword: residue
Vetting Status: high
"Bacchylis, wife of Bacchus, the residue of drinking-cups, once bedridden with illness [...]."[1]
Greek Original:
*spodo/s: *bakxuli\s h( *ba/kxou kuli/kwn spodo\s e)/k pote nou/sw| keklime/nh.
The unglossed headword, nominative singular, occurs in the quotation given; see next note.
[1] Greek Anthology 6.291.1-2 (author unknown, but cf. alpha 84 and n.2 thereto), the vow of a wine-loving woman, should her fever break; cf. Gow and Page (74-77) and further lines at alpha 84 and mu 1022. The use of the headword in this quotation, with the "residue" of wine vessels standing as a pejorative metonym for a drunkard, is unusual (but see also Greek Anthology 7.455 (Leonidas of Tarentum)). More common meanings of the term include 'ash' and 'dust'.
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: The Garland of Philip and Some Contemporary Epigrams, vol. I, (Cambridge, 1968)
Keywords: daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; imagery; medicine; poetry; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 March 2014@00:48:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another note and keyword; cosmetics; raised status) on 19 March 2014@06:21:42.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.1, added bibliography, added cross-references) on 29 October 2018@18:23:45.


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