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Headword: *sku/lac
Adler number: sigma,710
Translated headword: Skylax, Scylax
Vetting Status: high
Of Karyanda (Karyanda is a city of Karia near Halikarnassos),[1] mathematician and man of letters. [He wrote] Circumnavigation of Places Outside the Pillars of Herakles;[2] The Story of Herakleides King of the Mylasians; Circuit of the Earth; Response to the History of Polybios.
Greek Original:
*sku/lac, *karuandeu/s [po/lis d' e)sti\ th=s *kari/as plhsi/on *(alikarnassou= ta\ *karu/anda], maqhmatiko\s kai\ mousiko/s. *peri/ploun tw=n e)kto\s tw=n *(hrakle/ous sthlw=n, *ta\ kata\ *(hraklei/dhn to\n *mulassw=n basile/a, *gh=s peri/odon, *)antigrafh\n pro\s th\n *polubi/ou i(stori/an.
See generally OCD4 s.v. Scylax; FGrH 709.
There is much confusion in the present entry. The travels of Skylax of Karyanda at the behest of king Darius I are mentioned by Herodotos 4.44. He cannot, however, be the author of the Periplous tes thalasses tes oikoumenes (Circumnavigation of the Inhabited Sea) that survives under his name, since from internal evidence it must be fourth-century BC (at least in its present form); accordingly it is known as 'Pseudo-Skylax'. The author of the response to Polybios (pi 1941) must have been later still.
[1] cf. kappa 434.
[2] (For the Pillars see generally eta 464.) In the MS of Suda we read tw=n e)kto\s tw=n as above; editors have suggested e.g. tw=n e)nto\s kai\ e)kto\s tw=n or tw=n e)nto\s tw=n (see Jacoby's apparatus criticus to FGrHist 709 T 1). Emendation would be necessary if this book title referred to the periplous preserved under Skylax's name; but the title Circuit of the Earth may refer to that work.
Counillon, P. (2004), Pseudo-Skylax, Le Périple du Pont-Euxin (Scripta antiqua, 8). Bordeaux/Paris
'Fabricius, B.' [H.T. Dittrich] (1878), Anonymi, vulgo Scylacis Caryandensis, periplum maris interni cum appendice iterum recensuit B. Fabricius. Leipzig
Flensted-Jensen, P. and Hansen, M.H. (1996) "Pseudo-Skylax' use of the term polis," in M.H. Hansen and K. Raaflaub (eds.). More Studies in the Ancient Greek Polis = Historia. Einzelschriften 108, pp. 137-67. Stuttgart
Klausen, R.H. (ed. 1831), Hecataei Milesii fragmenta; Scylacis Caryandensis Periplus. Berlin
Marcotte, D. (1986), "Le périple dit de Scylax: esquisse d'un commentaire épigraphique et archéologique," Boll. class. 3.7: 166–82
Müller, C. (1855), Geographi Graeci minores, i. Paris
Shipley, G. (2002), "Pseudo-Skylax, The Periplous: a provisional translation," (updated 2009): web address 1.
Shipley, G. (2011), Pseudo-Skylax's Periplous: The Circumnavigation of the Inhabited Sea. Exeter.
Shipley, G. (2011), 'Pseudo-Skylax, Periplous', in H.-J. Gehrke (ed.), Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 5. 2. Leiden.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; mathematics; science and technology
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 14 July 2002@09:10:09.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and bibliography; added keywords) on 15 July 2002@05:32:45.
Catharine Roth (added keyword) on 29 September 2005@02:22:24.
D. Graham J. Shipley on 28 November 2006@03:07:56.
David Whitehead (x-ref for n.2; cosmetics) on 28 November 2006@03:51:14.
David Whitehead (raised status) on 28 November 2006@03:52:41.
D. Graham J. Shipley on 26 February 2010@11:10:48.
Catharine Roth (deleted link) on 20 December 2013@00:47:57.
David Whitehead (tweaked bibliography) on 20 December 2013@03:03:53.
Catharine Roth (moved URL for bibliography, added italics) on 20 December 2013@19:36:37.
David Whitehead (updated primary note) on 21 December 2013@05:21:16.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 9 August 2014@11:34:04.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 11 March 2022@00:31:23.


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