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Search results for sigma,303 in Adler number:
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Headword: *shkoi/
Adler number: sigma,303
Translated headword: pens
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the folds of [= for] grazing-cattle, [a term] derived from the [verb] to keep safe [sw/|zein].[1]
Or [as if] being stalls [sthkoi/] of a kind, derived from the [fact of] standing there.[2]
Greek Original:
*shkoi/: ai( tw=n boskhma/twn e)pau/leis, para\ to\ sw/|zein. h)\ sthkoi/ tines o)/ntes, para\ to\ e)kei=se sth/kein.
For this noun in the singular (and in another sense) see already sigma 302.
[1] Likewise in the Synagoge (sigma57) and Photius' Lexicon (sigma165 Theodoridis); and similarly in Hesychius, Apollonius' Homeric Lexicon, and various Homeric scholia. The etymology is far-fetched.
[2] There is no entry for sthko/s either in LSJ or in other modern Ancient Greek Lexica; the word has been invented for the sake of the etymology. The same equivalence and etymology are given in two Homeric scholia, to Iliad 8.131 (noted by Adler) and to Odyssey 4.612; also by the Etymologicum Gudianum (499.16 Sturz), the Etymologicum Magnum (710. 53) and the Lexicon of ps.-Zonaras (1638.2 Tittmann) s.v. shko/s: sthko\s ti/s e)sti[n] [...]. See also, post-Suda, Eustathius, Commentaries on Homer's Odyssey 1.338.28-29 Stallbaum: shkoi\ de\, peri\ ou(/s h( tw=n a)rnw=n kai\ tw=n e)ri/fwn sta/sis, a)po\ tou= i(/stasqai, i(/na ei)=en oi(onei\ sthkoi/ tines, o(/qen kai\ shki/tai a)/rnes.
Keywords: agriculture; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; zoology
Translated by: Yannick Muller on 3 February 2014@15:55:06.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaks) on 4 February 2014@01:58:51.
David Whitehead (expanded and recast notes; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 4 February 2014@03:24:05.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 20 April 2015@00:41:24.


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