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Headword: *pre/sbeis
Adler number: pi,2251
Translated headword: ambassadors, envoys
Vetting Status: high
[Note] that these were the philosophers who went to Persia as envoys with Areobindos:[1] Damascius the Syrian,[2] Simplicius the Cilician,[3] Eulalius the Phrygian, Priscianus the Lydian, Hermeias[4] and Diogenes from Phoenicia, Isidorus of Gaza.[5] All of these returned home, bidding farewell to the hospitality of the barbarian; nevertheless they benefited from the visit not for a short time or in negligence, but from [this visit] their subsequent life turned out with a heart-pleasing and very pleasant [result]. For as the Romans and the Persians made a treaty and a covenant, part of what they wrote was that those men should return to their own customs and live in peace thereafter in their own homes, not being forced to hold any opinions beyond what seemed right to them or to change their inherited beliefs.[6]
Greek Original:
*pre/sbeis: o(/ti ou(=toi h)=san oi( filo/sofoi oi( e)s *persi/da diapresbeusa/menoi su\n *)areobi/ndw|: *dama/skios o( *su/ros, *simpli/kios o( *ki/lic *eu)la/lios te o( *fru/c, *priskiano\s o( *ludo/s, *(ermei/as te kai\ *dioge/nhs oi( e)k *foini/khs, *)isi/dwros o( *gazai=os. ou(=toi pa/ntes oi)/kade a)peno/sthsan, xai/rein ei)po/ntes th=| tou= barba/rou filoceni/a|: kai\ a)pw/nanto de\ o(/mws th=s e)kdhmi/as ou)k e)n braxei= tini kai\ h)melhme/nw|, a)ll' o(/qen au)toi=s o( e)fech=s bi/os e)s to\ qumh=re/s te kai\ h(/diston a)peteleu/thsen. w(s ga\r oi( *(rwmai=oi kai\ *pe/rsai sponda\s e)/qento kai\ sunqh/kas, me/ros u(ph=rxe tw=n kat' au)ta\s a)nagramme/nwn to\ dei=n e)kei/nous tou\s a)/ndras e)s ta\ sfe/tera h)/qh katio/ntas bioteu/ein a)dew=s toloipo\n e)f' e(autoi=s, ou)de\n o(tiou=n pe/ra tw=n dokou/ntwn fronei=n h)\ metaba/llein th\n patrw/|an do/can a)nagkazome/nous.
Agathias, Histories 2.29-31. On the visit of the philosophers to the Persian king Khusrau at Ctesiphon, see Athanassiadi's introduction, Part VI "The Return."
[1] Areobindos/Areovindus: alpha 3823, omicron 936, pi 2251.
[2] Damascius: delta 39.
[3] Simplicius: sigma 448.
[4] Hermeias: epsilon 3036.
[5] Apparently not the same as Isidore of Alexandria, for whom see iota 631.
[6] In other words, they would not be required to convert to Christianity.
Damascius, The Philosophical History, ed. P. Athanassiadi (Athens 1999), pp. 48-53
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; politics; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 December 2005@22:48:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another headword; more keywords; cosmeticules) on 15 December 2005@03:05:23.
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 11 August 2010@16:52:25.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 12 August 2010@03:01:11.
David Whitehead on 1 November 2011@06:17:03.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 29 December 2014@01:19:00.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 11 July 2015@16:50:27.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note 6, at the instigation of Ari Belenkiy.) on 28 December 2017@23:06:03.


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