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Headword: *periora=sqai
Adler number: pi,1219
Translated headword: to keep watch over
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] to look out for, to observe, to consider, to think about. Thucydides: "and the Megarians [...] keeping watch over the war," he says. Also "Brasidas keeping watch over the battle."[1]
"And they stayed by the river keeping watch for what would happen."[2] That is, awaiting the outcome of, waiting for.
Greek Original:
*periora=sqai: karadokei=n, a)poqewrei=n, periske/ptesqai, fronti/zein. *qoukudi/dhs: kai\ tou\s *megare/as ... periorwme/nous to\n po/lemon, le/gei. kai/, o( *brasi/das th=s ma/xhs periorw/menos. oi( de\ pro\s tw=| potamw=| kate/meinan periorw/menoi to\ genhso/menon. toute/sti karadokou=ntes, prosdokw=ntes.
The headword is present middle infinitive of periora/w, probably not extracted from any text but chosen as an unmarked lemma form, as is usual for Aelius Dionysius (see n. 1). The forms in the quotations that follow are all middle participles of the same verb.
[1] = Aelius Dionysius pi38 and Photius pi724 Theodoridis, but here with some errors and omissions. The first quotation is an amalgamation of two quotations in the original (the fault line indicated by the ellipsis) occasioned by haplographic omission of one of the two instances of periorwme/nous. The quotations combined here are Thucydides 4.73.1 ("and the Megarians keeping watch over which side would win"), and a quotation that does not actually occur in Thucydides but might, as Adler and Theodoridis suggest, be a loose version of 2.43.4 (Pericles in the Funeral Speech urges his fellow-citizens not to dwell on the dangers of war: mh\ periora=sqai tou\s polemikou\s kindu/nous). The second is a (faulty) quotation of Thucydides 4.124.4; in the original Brasidas is keeping watch over Mende (th=s *me/ndhs rather than over the battle (th=s ma/xhs). This error is not present in Aelius Dionysius or Photius.
[2] An approximation of Cassius Dio 51.24.1.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 6 October 2011@03:07:27.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 6 October 2011@03:41:44.
David Whitehead on 26 September 2013@05:21:37.
David Whitehead (expanions to n.1) on 10 April 2014@04:44:50.
David Whitehead (my typo) on 21 June 2016@03:25:09.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 6 August 2021@20:06:29.


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