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Search results for phi,125 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,125
Translated headword: pheasants
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] cocks, and certain [sc. other] birds.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "[even] if you might give me the pheasants, those which Leogoras raises."[2] In reference to those denying in some matter. But pheasants are not [breeds of] horses, but cocks. But some are horses, branded with cocks. So it is these he is speaking of. And Leogoras [is] a proper name, [that] of one of the politicians in
Athens at that time; this man was the father of
Andocides the orator.[3] But [it is] unclear, if Leogoras also raised birds. But some say that 'pheasants' are [breeds of] horses. And if this is not spoken falsely, this would be related to the young man's [sc. Pheidippides'] eagerness. But
Archilochus and others [sc. say that 'pheasants' are] a type of bird.[4] And Leogoras [is] some gourmet, [sc. of whom]
Plato says: "O divine Morycus, for you are by nature a happy man, and Glaucetes, the flatfish, and Leogoras, you all live pleasantly, thinking about nothing."[5] And
Eupolis in
Autolykos [writes] that because of Myrrina, a courtesan, he squandered his property.[6] But horses having [the brand of a] pheasant on the thigh are
fasianoi\. But Phasis [is] a Scythian river, where there are fine horses.[7]
But a
phasis [is] also a laying of information, a report.[8]
And it declines
It is a
phasis which someone makes against him who seems to be excavating under a public mine or place or household or any other public property. Furthermore, those accusing the guardians of orphans before the archons, [claiming] that they did not lease out the orphan's house as they ought, are said to be making a
Greek Original:*fasianoi/: a)lektruo/nes, kai\ o)/rneis tine/s. *)aristofa/nhs: ei) doi/hs moi tou\s fasianou/s, ou(\s tre/fei *lewgo/ras. e)pi\ tw=n ei)/s ti pra=gma a)pagoreuo/ntwn. ou)k ei)si\ de\ i(/ppoi fasianoi/, a)lektruo/nes me/ntoi. i(/ppoi de/ tines ei)si/n, a)lektruo/nas kexaragme/noi. tou/tous ou)=n le/gei. *lewgo/ras de\ o)/noma ku/rion, e(no\s tw=n *)aqh/nhsi politeuome/nwn to/te: path\r de\ ou(=tos h)=n *)andoki/dou tou= r(h/toros. a)/dhlon de/, ei) kai\ o)/rnea e)/trefen o( *lewgo/ras. e)/nioi de\ a)ciou=sin i(/ppous ei)=nai tou\s fasianou/s. kai\ ei)/per e)sti\ tou=to mh\ kateyeusme/non, oi)kei=on a)\n ei)/h tou=to th=s tou= neani/skou spoudh=s. oi( de\ peri\ *)arxi/loxon o)rni/qwn ti ge/nos. o( de\ *lewgo/ras trufero/s tis, *pla/twn le/gei: w)= qei=e *mw/ruxe: te/ws ga\r eu)dai/mwn e)/fus, kai\ *glauke/ths, h( yh=tta, kai\ *lewgo/ras, oi(\ zh=te terpnw=s, ou)de\n e)nqumou/menoi. *eu)/polis e)n *au)tolu/kw|, w(s kai\ dia\ *murri/nan e(tai/ran ta\ xrh/mata a)pobeblhko/ta. fasianoi\ de\ oi( e)/xontes tw=| mhrw=| fasiano\n i(/ppoi. *fa=sis de/ e)sti potamo\s *skuqi/as, o(/pou kaloi\ i(/ppoi gi/nontai. *fa/sis de\ kai\ mh/nusis, a)ggeli/a. kai\ kli/netai fa/sios. *fa/sis e)sti/n, h(\n poiei=tai/ tis pro\s to\n dokou=nta u(poru/ttein dhmo/sion me/tallon h)\ xwri/on h)\ oi)ki/an h)\ a)/llo ti tw=n dhmosi/wn. e)/ti de\ kai\ oi( tou\s e)pitro/pous tw=n o)rfanw=n ai)tiw/menoi para\ toi=s a)/rxousin, w(s ou) deo/ntws memisqwko/tas to\n o)rfano\n oi)=kon, profai/nein le/gontai.
See already
phi 122.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius phi79 Theodoridis.
Clouds 108-109 (web address 1), followed here by material from the
scholia there; cf. also
Deipnosophists 9.387A (= 9.37 Kaibel).
alpha 2148.
[4] Ruhnken, as Adler notes, wanted to emend this name to '
Plato Comicus fr. 106 Kock, now 114 K.-A.
Eupolis fr. 44 Kock, now 50 K.-A.
[7] cf.
phi 122 (and
phi 124).
[8] Besides what follows here, see
phi 126.
fa/sews, rather -- but
*fa/sios is attested for the proper noun. The compound
pro/fasis can have a genitive
profa/sios in
Herodotus and elsewhere.
[10] Likewise in
Photius phi75 Theodoridis. See also
phi 126.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; children; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; gender and sexuality; geography; law; poetry; politics; women; zoology
Translated by: Amanda Aponte on 20 October 2009@15:53:52.
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