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Search results for omicroniota,134 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicroniota,134
Translated headword: wine without children
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Two proverbs: one [is] "wine and truth", the other "wine and children [are] true". It is used in reference to those who are being ingenuous and speaking the truth.[1]
Interpretation of Dreams of Nikephoros the patriarch:[2] "Wine emptied from vessels brings an end to pains. Foul wine makes many pains plain. If you partake of wine expect terrible quarrels."
Greek Original:*oi)=nos a)/neu pai/dwn: du/o paroimi/ai, h( me\n oi)=nos kai\ a)lh/qeia, h( d' oi)=nos kai\ pai=des a)lhqei=s. lamba/netai e)pi\ tw=n a(ploi+zome/nwn kai\ th\n a)lh/qeian lego/ntwn. lu/sis o)nei/rwn *nikhfo/rou patria/rxou: oi)=nos kenwqei\s a)ggei/wn pau/ei lu/pas. oi)=nos r(upw/dhs e)ktranoi= polla\s lu/pas. oi)/nou metasxw\n prosdo/ka deina\s ma/xas.
[1] Likewise in
Lexicon omicron128 Theodoridis, and cf. the
scholia to
Symposium 217E, where Alkibiades says:
to\ lego/menon, oi)=nos a)/neu te pai/dwn kai\ meta\ pai/dwn h)=n a)lhqh/s; "there is, as the proverb says, truth in wine - whether one adds 'and in children' is of no significance" (tr. W.Hamilton). The first of these is best known nowadays in its Latin form,
in vino veritas (Tosi [cited under
alpha 378] no.1424); and for the latter cf. our "out of the mouths of babes and sucklings".
[2] See the note to
beta 351.
Keywords: children; Christianity; daily life; dreams; ethics; food; imagery; philosophy; poetry; proverbs
Translated by: William Hutton on 15 November 2000@16:03:59.
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