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Search results for omicron,625 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(/oros
Adler number: omicron,625
Translated headword: horos, boundary-stone
Vetting Status: high
This is what the Attic authors used to call the writings affixed to mortgaged houses and lands, which showed that they were mortgaged to a moneylender. So Demosthenes and Menander [sc. use the term].[1]
Greek Original:
*(/oros: ou(/tws e)ka/loun oi( *)attikoi\ ta\ e)po/nta tai=s u(pokeime/nais oi)ki/ais kai\ xwri/ois gra/mmata, a(\ e)dh/loun, o(/ti u(po/keintai daneisth=|. ou(/tws *dhmosqe/nhs kai\ *me/nandros.
Abridged from Harpokration (and Photius) s.v.
[1] Demosthenes 41.6 (web address 1); Menander. fr. 332 Koerte, now 295 K.-A.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 December 2000@07:45:21.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link, set status) on 1 February 2004@22:11:37.
David Whitehead (augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 2 February 2004@03:11:45.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 28 November 2005@08:57:02.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 13 July 2011@06:09:30.
Catharine Roth (fixed link) on 18 July 2011@20:48:18.
David Whitehead on 18 July 2013@08:27:28.
David Whitehead on 31 December 2014@06:21:12.


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