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Headword: *(wrapo/llwn
Adler number: omega,159
Translated headword: Horapollon, Horapollo
Vetting Status: high
of Phaenebythis, a village in the Panopolite nome.[1] Grammarian. He taught in Alexandria and in Egypt, then in Constantinople under Theodosius. He wrote Names for Temples; a commentary on Sophocles, on Alcaeus, on Homer. He was a person famed for his expertise, and won no less renown than the most highly reputed grammarians of old.
An Egyptian,[2] in the time of the emperor Zeno. Nicomedes was searching for Harpocras,[3] and could not find him. Isidore the philosopher, when he learnt of this, sent a written message revealing the attackers. The messenger was captured, and acknowledged who it was that had sent him. They seized Horapollo and Heraiscus,[4] strung them up by their hands, and asked after Harpocras and Isidore. Horapollo did not have the character of a philosopher, but kept hidden the belief about God that he held. Heraiscus had predicted that Horapollo would go over to the other side and abandon his ancestral customs; and this is what happened. Without any apparent compelling cause, he chose the change of his own accord, because of the hopes inspired by some insatiable desire -- for there is nothing else one could easily invoke to defend the defection.
Apparently, he became a Christian.[5]
Or perhaps the reverse.[6]
Greek Original:
*(wrapo/llwn, *fainebu/qews, kw/mhs tou= *panopoli/tou nomou=, grammatiko/s, dida/cas e)n *)alecandrei/a| kai\ e)n *ai)gu/ptw|, ei)=ta e)n *kwnstantinoupo/lei e)pi\ *qeodosi/ou. e)/graye *temenika/, u(po/mnhma *sofokle/ous, *)alkai/ou, ei)s *(/omhron. lampro\s me\n e)pi\ th=| te/xnh| a)/nqrwpos kai\ tw=n pa/lai logimwta/twn grammatikw=n ou)de/n ti mei=on kle/os a)penegka/menos. *ai)gu/ptios, e)pi\ *zh/nwnos basile/ws. zhtw=n de\ o( *nikomh/dhs to\n *(arpokra=n h)=n kai\ mh\ eu(ri/skwn au)to/n. o( de\ *)isi/dwros o( filo/sofos tou=to maqw\n pe/mpei dia\ gramma/twn dhlou/ntwn tou\s e)pio/ntas. e(a/lw de\ o( grammathfo/ros kai\ w(molo/gei to\n pe/myanta: kai\ to\n *(wrapo/llwna kai\ to\n *(hrai/+skon ai(rou=si kai\ neu/rois a)nakrema/santes a)po\ th=s xeiro\s e(ka/teron a)ph/|toun to\n *(arpokra=n kai\ *)isi/dwron. o( de\ *(wrapo/llwn ou)k h)=n to\ h)=qos filo/sofos, a)lla/ ti kai\ e)n buqw=| th=s peri\ qeou= do/chs w(=n h)/|dei a)pokrupto/menos. o( ga\r *(hrai/+skos proei=pen w(s au)tomolh/sei pro\s e(te/rous, kai\ kataproh/setai tou\s patri/ous no/mous o( *(wrapo/llwn: o(\ kai\ sune/bh gene/sqai. a)p' ou)demia=s ga\r a)nagkai/as tu/xhs ei)=nai dokou/shs au)qai/reton ei(/leto th\n metabolh/n, e)/ti e)pi\ e)lpi/sin i)/sws a)plh/stou tino\s e)piqumi/as. ou) ga\r a)/llo ti/ e)sti proxeiri/sasqai r(a|di/ws ei)s a)pologi/an th=s metasta/sews. w(s e)/oike, *xristiano\s e)gego/nei. h)\ kai\ a)na/palin i)/sws.
Probably C4/5 AD. See generally PLRE II Horapollon(2); FGrH 630.
[1] Of Egypt; cf. Stephanus of Byzantium s.v. Phenebethis.
[2] The source now becomes Damascius, Life of Isidore frs. 314 and 317 Zintzen; cf. alpha 4010.
[3] [alpha 4010] Harpocras.
[4] [eta 450] Heraiscus.
[5] For Damascius, "abandoning ancestral customs" and "going over to the other side" are typical ways of referring to a departure from paganism and conversion to Christianity.
[6] Adler indicates this comment as a later addition.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; geography; historiography; poetry; religion; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 4 September 2003@14:12:21.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified and augmented notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 5 September 2003@04:19:38.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@09:48:07.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 1 November 2013@05:42:59.
David Whitehead (coding) on 20 May 2016@08:43:02.
Catharine Roth (added a note) on 19 September 2023@01:25:21.
Catharine Roth (added another note) on 19 September 2023@01:31:57.


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