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Headword: *me/nandros
Adler number: mu,591
Translated headword: Menander
Vetting Status: high
[Menander] Protector,[1] historian; [the one] who says about himself: "my father was Euphratas, who came from Byzantium; he was a man of very little literary education. Herodotus, my brother, began to train for the law but then lost his enthusiasm for it; but I myself thought that I ought not to dissociate myself from the law but should persevere to the end of my labours -- and as far as I was able, I got there. But I made little use of my professional qualification: for I had no wish either to plead court-cases or to inhabit the Royal Stoa and impress the passers-by with how cleverly I could speak. Conseqently I abandoned my studies and chose a path of ease and idleness. What appealed to me was the rowdiness of the "colours" and the excitement of the horse-races, and especially pantomimic dancing. I even tried my hand at wrestling, and my voyage took me to such heights of folly that I not only lost my cloak but was also stripped, along with it, of common sense and everything else that makes life honourable. When Maurice assumed the imperial power,[2] he was extremely caring toward his subjects and, besides, a lover of culture, especially poetry and history; so he spent most of the night on such pursuits and, consequently, offered monetary incentives to stimulate the sluggish in intellect. At that time I myself was disillusioned and frustrated at having no means, and I was thinking that I ought to stop drifting stupidly around; so, in order not to fritter away my life entirely, I made a start on this history, beginning after the death of Agathias[3] and making my starting-point [the end] of his history."
Greek Original:
*me/nandros, proti/ktwr, i(storiko/s: o(\s le/gei peri\ e(autou=: e)moi\ path\r *eu)frata=s e)k *buzanti/ou o(rmw/menos h)=n: ou(=tos dh\ ou)=n h(/kista th=s tw=n lo/gwn meteilh/xei paidei/as. *(hro/dotos me\n ou)=n o(mo/gnios de/ moi th=s pro\s to\n no/mon a)pogeusa/menos paidei/as ei)=ta a)fhni/ase th=s peri\ tau=ta spoudh=s: a)ll' e)/gwge ou)/ti xrh=nai w)|o/mhn mh\ kai\ no/mois o(milh=sai kai\ e)s te/los i(ke/sqai tw=n po/nwn: kai\ dh\ a)fiko/mhn, w(/s moi u(ph=rxe dunato/n. h(/kista de\ e)xrhsa/mhn th=| e)paggeli/a| tou= e)pithdeu/matos: ou) ga/r moi qumh=res h)=n a)gwni/zesqai di/kas ou)/te mh\n e)n th=| basilei/w| stoa=| qami/zein kai\ deino/thti lo/gwn ta\s tw=n e)ntugxano/ntwn oi)keiou=sqai fronti/das. kai\ ta\ spoudai=a toigarou=n parei\s kai\ ta\ xei/rista e(lo/menos, kexhnw\s perieno/stoun. kai/ moi kataqu/mioi h)=san oi(/ te qo/ruboi tw=n xrwma/twn kai\ oi( a(millhth/rioi tw=n i(/ppwn a)gw=nes, e)/ti ge mh\n kai\ h( panto/mimos o)/rxhsis. ou) mh\n a)lla\ kai\ palai/strais e)napeduo/mhn kai\ e)s tosou=ton e)cw/keila a)frosu/nhs, w(s kai\ to\n faino/lhn a)podu/sasqai, sunapodu/sasqai de\ au)tw=| kai\ to\ nounexe/s, kai\ a)/llo o(/ ti e)s bi/ou a)gla/i+sma. e)pei\ de\ *mauri/kios to\ basi/leion diedh/sato kra/tos, tou=to me\n promhqe/stata e)/xwn e)s tou\s u(phko/ous, tou=to de\ kai\ mousw=n e)rasth\s poihma/twn te kai\ i(stori/as h(/dista e)pai/+wn, w(s kai\ to\ polu\ th=s nukto\s me/ros katanali/skein peri\ ta\s toiau/tas fronti/das kai\ parorma=n e)nteu=qen kai\ o)cu/nein toi=s xrh/masi tou\s a)mblute/rous to\n logismo/n, a)gaphtw=s e)n tw=| to/te e)/gwge a)lu/wn kai\ dusanasxetw=n tw=| mh\ ta\ de/onta e)/xein, a)nalogizo/menos h)=n, w(s ou) xrew\n a)no/nhta/ me perinostei=n, w(/s t' a)\n ou)=n mh\ diapanto\s kenembatoi/hn, w(rmh/qhn e)pi\ th/nde th\n suggrafh\n a)/rcasqai meta\ th\n a)pobi/wsin *)agaqi/ou kai\ th=s i(stori/as poih/sasqai th\n a)rxh/n.
After the introductory formulas this is Menander Protector fr.1 FHG (4.201) = fr.1 Blockley.
[1] For this term, used here in effect as a surname, see pi 2884.
[2] mu 294.
[3] alpha 112. The succession is thus Agathias-Menander-Theophylact (sigma 435).
R.C. Blockley, The History of Menander the Guardsman (1985)
Keywords: athletics; biography; chronology; clothing; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; law; meter and music; poetry; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 August 2009@05:16:34.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added keyword, set status) on 20 August 2009@01:50:50.
David Whitehead (more notes; bibliog) on 20 August 2009@02:54:42.
David Whitehead on 16 May 2013@04:36:58.


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