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Search results for mu,561 in Adler number:
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Headword: *me/mhla
Adler number: mu,561
Translated headword: I have attended to
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] I took care of.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] me/mhle ["he/she/it has attended to"], [meaning] [he/she/it] is about to [do].[2]
Greek Original:
*me/mhla: e)fro/ntisa. kai\ *me/mhle, me/llei.
cf. mu 562.
[1] The headword is first person singular, perfect, of me/lw; same glossing, according to Adler, in the Ambrosian Lexicon; presumably quoted from somewhere.
[2] Same or similar glossing in other lexica (see the references at Photius mu257 Theodoridis), and in a scholion on Homer, Odyssey 1.151 (where memh/lei occurs). Ms M has a better reading of the gloss, me/lei; ms F omits this part of the entry. For attempts to distinguish me/lw and me/llw, see mu 482, mu 488, mu 539.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 May 2009@01:57:35.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (additions to notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 17 May 2009@04:57:22.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 15 May 2013@08:25:18.
David Whitehead (coding) on 17 May 2016@11:03:18.


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