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Headword: *me/lhtos
Adler number: mu,497
Translated headword: Meletos, Meletus
Vetting Status: high
This man was in love with a young man in Athens who was one of the well-born and wealthy, and also a youth who was outstanding in his lineage and at an irresistible age. And the lover's name was Meletus and the pretty boy's name was Timagoras, as they say. This boy was impervious and pitiless and set for him many laborious [tasks] which held the utmost danger and likewise drove him to destruction. His tasks were to take good hunting bitches from a foreign land and the well-bred and spirited horse of one of his enemies and someone else's lovely chlamys and other such things. And finally he ordered him to bring him someone's cherished and wonderful birds of a domesticated breed. And when that possessed lover did this and gave the lovely boy as a great and valuable possession the [birds] he had asked for before, he [Timagoras], being cruel even to such an extent, rejected the gift. Then Meletus, inflamed by love and maddened and vexed by his dishonor at these things and fed up with the bootless unending troubles, leapt with as much foot-power as he had and sprang up onto the acropolis and threw himself down upon the rocks. Vengeful justice indeed did not allow the arrogant and disdainful boy to gloat over the death of Meletus. So he took up the birds and put them in his arms and then running in the tracks of that man, as if dragged by force, he yielded to misfortune and threw himself after Meletus, requiting him with a late and unfortunate love. And a statue of the tragedy stood in that place: a boy, lovely and naked carrying two well-bred roosters in his arms and throwing himself headlong.
Greek Original:
*me/lhtos: ou(=tos e)ra=| neani/ou *)aqh/nhsi tw=n eu)= gegono/twn kai\ plousi/wn, meiraki/ou kai\ e)kei/nou to\ ge/nos diaprepou=s kai\ th\n w(/ran a)ma/xou. kai\ tw=| me\n e)rasth=| *me/lhtos o)/noma h)=n, tw=| kalw=| de\ *timago/ras, w(/s fasin. h)=n de\ a)/tegkto/s te kai\ a)mei/liktos o(/de o( pai=s, kai/ oi( polla\ prose/tatte kai\ e)pi/pona kai\ kindu/nwn e)xo/mena tw=n e)sxa/twn kai\ o(mou= ta\ tw=| o)le/qrw| e)lau/nonta. kai\ h)=n ta\ pra/gmata ku/nas te a)gaqa\s kai\ qhratika\s e)k th=s a)llodaph=s a)/gein kai\ i(/ppon au)= tw=n polemi/wn a)pagagei=n o(/tou dh\ gennai=o/n te kai\ qumiko/n, kai\ a)/llou xlamu/da w(rai/an, kai\ toiau=ta e(/tera. kai\ teleutw=n o)/rniqa/s oi( prose/tace komi/sai o(/tou dh\ trofi/mous kai\ oi)ke/tas ge/nos qaumastou/s. e)pei\ de\ kai\ tou=to katepra/cato o( e)/nqeos fi/los e)kei=nos kai\ e)dwrei=to/ ge tw=| kalw=| to\ me/ga ti/mion kth=ma tou\s proeirhme/nous, o( de\ a)tera/mwn w)\n kai\ e)s tosou=ton a)pew/sato a)/ra to\ dw=ron. o( toi/nun *me/lhtos flego/menos tw=| e)/rwti kai\ oi)strou/menos kai\ e)pi\ tou/tois a)sxa/llwn th=| a)timi/a| kai\ a)paudh/sas e)pi\ toi=s a)nhnu/tois te mo/xqois a(/ma kai\ a)pei/rois, h(=| podw=n ei)=xen a)ne/qore/ te e)s th\n a)kro/polin kai\ e(auto\n e)/wse kata\ tw=n petrw=n. ou) mh\n h( timwro\s di/kh to\n u(bristh\n pai=da kai\ u(pero/pthn ei)/asen e)pegxanei=n tw=| tou= *melh/tou qana/tw|. tou\s o)/rniqas gou=n a)nalabw\n kai\ tai=s a)gka/lais e)nqei/s, ei)=ta me/ntoi kat' i)/xnia ta\ e)kei/nou qe/wn, w(/sper ou)=n e(lko/menos bi/a|, e(auto\n su\n tw=| dustuxei= xwrw=n e)pi\ tw=| *melh/tw| e)/rriye fe/rwn, bradu\n kai\ dustuxh= to\n e)/rwta a)nterasqei\s tou=ton. kai\ e(/sthken ei)/dwlon tou= pa/qous kata\ to\n to/pon pai=s w(rai=os kai\ gumno\s a)lektruo/nas b# ma/la eu)genei=s fe/rwn e)n tai=s a)gka/lais kai\ w)qw=n e(auto\n e)pi\ kefalh/n.
Aelian fr. 72 Domingo-Forasté (69 Hercher); see also alpha 4301, alpha 4329, alpha 4343, epsilon 2027, and kappa 251.
Keywords: art history; biography; clothing; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 June 2009@02:16:58.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks) on 17 June 2009@03:25:16.
Catharine Roth (another keyword) on 17 June 2009@11:12:34.
William Hutton (tweaked tr.) on 17 June 2009@12:03:51.
Catharine Roth (updated reference) on 24 March 2012@20:25:50.
David Whitehead on 15 May 2013@04:49:46.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 4 August 2020@01:42:45.


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