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Headword: *ma/rkellos
Adler number: mu,206
Translated headword: Marcellus
Vetting Status: high
A general in the time of Commodus; he abstained from bribes as much as he engaged in kindness and clemency.[1] For in order that it would seem he was awake all night long and, accordingly, so that no one of the others who were with him would sleep soundly, he wrote twelve tablets, like those that are made of lime-wood, just about every evening and ordered someone to take one at one time and another at another to certain people, so he would be wondered at for always being awake. For he was made to go without sleep by nature in the first place,[2] but he honed this [skill] even more without food. For he rarely ate his fill in other cases, and so that he would not be full even on bread, he sent for the [loaves] from Rome, not because he was not able to eat the local [bread], but so that he would not be able to eat even a little more than was altogether necessary owing to their staleness: for his gums were in bad shape and bled easily from the dryness of the bread. Therefore, he pretended this even more, so that he would seem especially to be staying awake.
Greek Original:
*ma/rkellos, strathgo\s e)pi\ *komo/dou: o(\s dwrodoki/as tosou=ton a)pei=xen, o(/son th=s ge filanqrwpi/as kai\ th=s h(mero/thtos metei=xen. o(/pws ga\r dh\ dia\ pa/shs th=s nukto\s e)grhgore/nai dokh=| kai\ kata\ tou=to mhde\ tw=n a)/llwn tis tw=n suno/ntwn oi( tis kaqeu/dh|, ib# grammatei=a, oi(=a/ ge e)k filu/ras poiei=tai, kaq' e(ka/sthn e(spe/ran w(s ei)pei=n sune/grafe kai\ prose/tatte/ tini a)/llo a)/llh| w(/ra| komi/zein tisi/n, i(/n' w(s kai\ a)ei\ e)grhgorw\s qauma/zhtai. h)=n me\n ga\r kai\ a)/llws u(pnomaxei=n pefukw/s, e)pi\ plei=on de\ au)to\ kai\ e)k th=s trofh=s h)skh/kei. ta/ te ga\r a)/lla h(/kista a)/dhn e)sitei=to, kai\ o(/pws mhde\ tw=n a)/rtwn diapimpla=tai, e)k th=s *(rw/mhs au)tou\s metepe/mpeto, ou)x w(s ou) duna/menos tw=n e)pixwri/wn e)sqi/ein, a)ll' i(/n' u(po\ th=s palaio/thtos au)tw=n mh\ du/nhtai mhde\ smikrw=| ple/on tou= pa/nu a)nagkai/ou fagei=n: ta\ ga\r ou)=la au)tou= kakw=s e)/xonta r(a|di/ws u(po\ th=s tw=n a)/rtwn chro/thtos h(|ma/sseto. e)peth/deue d' ou)=n e)pi\ mei=zon au)to\ pla/ttesqai, i(/n' w(s ma/lista diagrupnei=n dokh=|.
After the initial identifier, this material is an approximation and abridgement of Cassius Dio 72.8.3-5.
This is Ulpius Marcellus: not the lawyer and author of that name, but the general whom Commodus [kappa 2007] sent to Britain in 184 CE.
[1] The text here disagrees with that of Dio, which says that Marcellus did not engage in kindness and clemency, as is clear from the remainder of the entry.
[2] See also upsilon 441.
Keywords: biography; botany; chronology; economics; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 April 2008@07:52:26.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-ref; tweaks and cosmetics) on 13 April 2008@04:03:31.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 21 April 2008@09:54:03.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 6 May 2013@08:36:26.


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