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Headword: *lami/a
Adler number: lambda,84
Translated headword: Lamia
Vetting Status: high
She, as Douris tells in [book] 2 of his Libyan Histories, was a beautiful woman in Libya; after Zeus had mated with her, Hera was jealous and killed her children; hence, out of grief, she became mis-shapen and snatched and killed everyone else's children.[1] [Lamia] is also a city of Thessaly. It was from there, after the death of Alexander [sc. the Great], that the Greeks under Athenian leadership started out to make a challenge for their freedom, and defeated Antipater.[2] Menander in Man-Woman [writes]: "for having filled [?] from various parts of the battle-line he destroyed all the [?] at Lamia".[3]
Greek Original:
*lami/a: tau/thn e)n th=| *libu/h| *dou=ris e)n b# *libukw=n i(storei= gunai=ka kalh\n gene/sqai, mixqe/ntos de\ au)th=| *dio/s, u(f' *(/hras zhlotupoume/nhn, a(\ e)/tikten a)pollu/nai: dio/per a)po\ th=s lu/phs du/smorfon gegone/nai kai\ ta\ tw=n a)/llwn paidi/a a)narpa/zousan diafqei/rein. e)/sti de\ kai\ po/lis *qessali/as, o(/qen o(rmhqe/ntes oi( *(/ellhnes meta\ to\n *)aleca/ndrou qa/naton, *)aqhnai/wn h(goume/nwn, th=s e)leuqeri/as a)ntipoihsa/menoi to\n *)anti/patron e)ni/khsan. *me/nandros *)androgu/nw|: plh/sas ga\r e)/fqeiren e)k parata/cew/s poqen ta\s e)n *lami/a| pa/sas.
This entry -- taken from Photius (lambda61 Theodoridis) -- does double duty: see OCD(4) s.v. Lamia(1) for the 'nursery bogy' and s.v. Lamia(2) for the city. See also lambda 85.
[1] D(o)uris of Samos, FGrH 76 F17. (The more authentic title of this work, it seems, is Histories of Agathokles: see F16.)
[2] This is the so-called Lamian War of 323-321. For this, and Antipater, cf. alpha 2703, alpha 2704.
[3] Menander fr. 52 Kock, 47 Koerte-Thierfelder, now 51 K.-A. Photius gives the finite verb, surely mistakenly, as e)/feren, but even so the passage is hard to grasp. Suggested alternatives to the participle 'having filled' plh/sas are 'having struck' plh/cas and 'having sailed' pleu/sas. As regards the implicit feminine noun at the end, K.-A. record the suggestions 'triremes' (Arnott) and 'women' (Post); one could add (DW) 'armies'.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; children; chronology; comedy; definition; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; mythology; politics; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 April 2008@10:05:47.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 1 April 2008@16:08:30.
David Whitehead (augmented nn.1 and 3) on 2 April 2008@03:22:48.
David Whitehead on 1 April 2013@06:36:32.
David Whitehead on 3 September 2013@09:30:33.
David Whitehead on 4 August 2014@11:37:54.
David Whitehead on 31 December 2014@06:01:49.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 11 July 2015@14:54:06.


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