Suda On Line
Search results for lambda,357 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,357
Translated headword: is soaked with tears
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] becomes wet through.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]:[2] "the son of Hippodamos[3] is soaked when he sees [it]". This Hippodamos was settled in Piraeus and presented his house to the people. [
Aristophanes] is saying [this] bitterly against Kleon, [meaning] you for your part are self-serving and gain advantage, but the man who is best disposed to the city is soaked through with his tears, seeing you harvesting the city’s fruits disgracefully.[4]
Greek Original:*lei/betai toi=s dakru/ois: dia/broxos gi/netai. *)aristofa/nhs: o( d' *(ippoda/mou lei/betai qew/menos. ou(=tos o( *(ippo/damos e)n *peiraiei= katw/|kei kai\ th\n oi)ki/an dhmosi/an a)nh=ke. pikrw=s ou)=n le/gei pro\s *kle/wna, o(/ti su\ me\n sfeteri/zh| kai\ kerdai/neis, o( de\ eu)nou/statos th=| po/lei katalei/betai toi=s dakru/ois o(rw=n se karpou/menon ta\ th=s po/lews a)naci/ws.
[1] For the headword phrase see n.4 below. (For its verb cf.
lambda 358) For 'wet through' cf.
delta 512,
epsilon 765.
Knights 327 (web address 1), followed by comment from the
scholia there.
[3] Son of Hippodamos: this is Archeptolemos of the Attic deme Agryle, prosecuted as one of the Four Hundred after their oligarchic regime at
Athens in 411–410 BCE ([
Lives of the Ten Orators 833A, 834A, etc.;
Lysias 12.67. Whether his father was Hippodamos of Miletos, the well-known town planner, is open to question, though this is commonly assumed -- see e.g. LGPN ii s.v. Archeptolemos(3) -- since Hippodamos of Miletos did plan the Piraeus (see
iota 555). If it is a correct assumption, then either Hippodamos or his son must have been granted Athenian citizenship. It is equally possible that the story that Hippodamos presented a house to the Athenians is an invention, or rests on a misunderstanding of his connection with the layout of the Piraeus.
[4] The phrase the Suda comments upon is a paraphrase of
Knights 327 (
toi=s dakru/ois replacing the metrically equivalent
qew/menos of the original), quoted in part here. In the play the words are spoken by the Chorus to Kleon (
kappa 1731): "haven't you shown shamelessness from the start, that which alone protects orators? Trusting in it, you milk the prosperous among our foreign friends (
xenoi), being first (among the citizens), and Hippodamos' son is soaked when he sees [it]".
On Hippodamos, see most recently G. Shipley, ‘“Little boxes on the hillside”: Greek town planning, Hippodamos, and polis ideology’, in M.H. Hansen (ed.), The Imaginary Polis (Copenhagen, 2005).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; biography; comedy; definition; ethics; geography; history; politics
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 4 February 2005@05:33:34.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (some changes and additions to notes; added a keyword; cosmetics) on 4 February 2005@08:18:32.
David Whitehead (moreb keywords; tweaking) on 16 April 2013@07:16:14.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 27 April 2020@21:42:43.
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