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Headword: *kata/stasis
Adler number: kappa,788
Translated headword: allowance
Vetting Status: high
The allowance seems to be a sum of money which those appointed as cavalrymen used to take from the public treasury on their appointment. So Lysias [sc. uses the term].[1] But Eupolis, too, says: "you were a fool, old man, to take this allowance suddenly, before even learning horsemanship".[2] The money was given back by ex-cavalrymen, when others were appointed in their place; the phylarchs used to request it.
Greek Original:
*kata/stasis: e)/oiken h( kata/stasis a)rgu/rion ei)=nai, o(/per oi( katastaqe/ntes i(ppei=s e)la/mbanon e)k tou= dhmosi/ou e)pi\ th=| katasta/sei. ou(/tw *lusi/as. a)lla\ kai\ *eu)/poli/s fhsin: ou)k e)swfro/nhsas, w)= presbu=ta, th\n kata/stasin th/nde lamba/nwn a)/fnw, pri\n kai\ maqei=n th\n i(ppikh/n. a)pedi/doto de\ to\ a)rgu/rion u(po\ tw=n i(ppeusa/ntwn, o(/te a)nt' au)tw=n e(/teroi kaqi/stanto. a)ph/|toun de\ au)to\ oi( fu/larxoi.
Abridged from Harpokration (and Photius) s.v.
[1] Lysias 16.6.
[2] Eupolis fr. 268 Kock (293 Kassel-Austin).
G.R. Bugh, The Horsemen of Athens (Princeton 1988) p.53 and passim
I.G. Spence, The Cavalry of Classical Greece (Oxford 1993) 10 and passim
Keywords: comedy; definition; economics; military affairs; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 November 2000@04:02:46.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 4 September 2003@08:00:53.
David Whitehead (added note and keywords) on 4 September 2003@08:09:29.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 11 July 2011@04:50:45.
David Whitehead on 5 February 2013@06:15:40.


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