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Search results for kappa,2173 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2173
Translated headword: Kotys, Cotys
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man was the ruler of Thrace[1] for twenty-four years,[2] and at first was preoccupied with luxuries and pleasures; but once success had brought him an increase he was drawn into cruelty and anger. An example of this was when he cut his wife, the mother of his children, down the middle, starting at her genitals.
Greek Original:*ko/tus: ou(=tos a)/rcas *qra/|khs e)/th kd#, ta\ me\n prw=ta e)n trufai=s kai\ h(dupaqei/ais h)=n: au)/chsin de\ lambanou/shs au)tou= th=s eu)pragi/as ei)s w)mo/thta kai\ o)rgh\n e)chne/xqh, w(s kai\ th\n gunai=ka, e)c h(=s au)tw=| h)=n te/kna, diako/yai me/shn a)po\ tw=n ai)doi/wn a)rca/menon.
From Harpokration s.v., commenting on
Demosthenes 23.8, 104, etc.
See also
kappa 2172.
[1] Meaning, in this instance, the Odrysian kingdom, centred on the R. Hebrus (present-day Maritsa).
[2] From 383 (when he succeeded his father Seuthes:
sigma 270) to 359.
Z.H. Archibald in Cambridge Ancient History (2nd ed.) 6.459-65
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; politics; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 September 2001@05:43:30.
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