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Search results for kappa,1610 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1610
Translated headword: Killikon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Nothing bad, but just what Killikon also [did]". This man betrayed
Samos. [It is] as if he said, 'I am not doing anything bad, but [only] robbing temples'. For Killikon had been much talked of for wickedness, he who betrayed Miletos to the Prienians. When certain people often asked him what he was going to do, he used to say, 'everything good'. And there is a proverb: 'everything good, as Killikon said'. Later however he went out to a certain
Theagenes to buy meat; and that man bade him show from which part he wanted him to cut. When [Killikon] stretched out his hand, [
Theagenes] cut it off and said: 'you will not betray any other city with this hand'.
Greek Original:*killikw/n: ou)de\n ponhro/n, a)ll' o(/per kai\ *killikw/n. ou(=tos pare/dwke th\n *sa/mon. w(sei\ ei)=pen: ou)de\n kako\n poiw=, a)ll' i(erosulw=. e)pi\ ponhri/a| ga\r e)teqru/llhto o( *killikw/n, o(\s prou)/dwke *mi/lhton *prihneu=si. punqanome/nwn de\ polla/kis au)tou= ti/nwn, ti/ me/llei poiei=n, e)/lege, pa/nta a)gaqa/. kai\ e)/sti paroimi/a: pa/nta a)gaqa/, w(s e)/fh *killi- kw/n. u(/steron me/ntoi para\ *qeage/nous tino\s ei)sh=lqen w)nhso/menos kre/a: ka)kei=nos u(podei=cai e)ke/leuse, po/qen ko/yai qe/lei: protei/nantos de\ th\n xei=ra, a)pe/koye kai\ ei)=pe: tau/th| th=| xeiri\ ou) prodw/seis po/lin e(te/ran.
Aristophanes, Peace 363 (web address 1), with the confused scholion thereto. The headword comes from the quotation.
For Kil(l)ikon, see also
kappa 1609 (and
kappa 223, where the name is the name is given as Kallikon), and under
pi 2040.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; ethics; food; geography; history; military affairs; proverbs; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 November 2008@22:09:24.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (another x-ref; more keywords; cosmetics) on 24 November 2008@03:03:01.
Catharine Roth (thanks to Nick Nicholas for translation suggestions) on 24 November 2008@11:01:18.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 24 February 2013@07:17:26.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 24 February 2013@23:03:00.
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