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Search results for kappa,1187 in Adler number:
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Headword: *kai/rion
Adler number: kappa,1187
Translated headword: timely
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] seasonable.[1]
And kairo/s is the term for the number which is gathered by God out of the multitude of unrighteous deeds, and summoned "until the appropriate time."[2]
Sophocles [writes]: "... or was found better to do timely [things]?"[3]
And elsewhere: "you come upon the time". Meaning you come at a suitable time.[4]
"Well-aimed to come, timely to depart, skillful to lie in ambush, workmanlike in battle."[5]
Greek Original:
*kai/rion: eu)/kairon. kai\ *kairo\s le/getai o( e)k tou= plh/qous tw=n a)dikhma/twn sunago/menos a)riqmo\s para\ qeou=, kai\ prokalou/menos e(/ws kairou=. *sofoklh=s: h)\ dra=n a)mei/nwn eu(re/qh ta\ kai/ria; kai\ au)=qis: kairo\n d' e)fh/keis. a)nti\ tou= e)pikai/rws h(/keis. e)pelqei=n eu)/stoxos, a)naxwrh=sai kai/rios, e)nedreu=sai texni/ths, ma/xhs e)rga/ths.
[1] The headword is masculine accusative singular or neuter nominative/accusative singular of this adjective (for which cf. kappa 1186, kappa 1188). Same glossing in other lexica (see the references at Photius kappa72 Theodoridis), and evidently quoted from somewhere (probably Homer, Iliad 8.84, to judge from the scholia there).
[2] Perhaps from an unidentifiable biblical commentary. The phrase e(/ws kairou= occurs quite often in the Septuagint, but it is not clear to which occurrence the present note might apply.
[3] Sophocles, Ajax 120 (web address 1).
[4] Sophocles, Ajax 34 (web address 2), with scholion.
[5] Cassius Dio 67.6.1; cf. delta 344 (on Decebalus, king of the Dacians).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; historiography; military affairs; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 October 2008@21:56:49.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented n.1; more keywords; cosmetics) on 19 October 2008@04:30:52.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 12 February 2013@06:53:05.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 12 February 2013@22:00:50.
David Whitehead on 30 April 2016@06:37:37.


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