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Search results for iota,238 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)iqei=a
Adler number: iota,238
Translated headword: straight
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] direct, upright.[1]
"For not feebly does he know the balance of upright justice from Zeus."[2]
Greek Original:
*)iqei=a: eu)qei=a, o)rqh/. ou) ga\r a)faurw=s e)k *dio\s i)qei/hs oi)=de ta/lanta di/khs.
[1] The headword is feminine nominative singular of i)qu/s, probably quoted here (as Latte on Hesychius iota388 assumes) from Homer, Iliad 23.580; cf. generally iota 237, iota 245.
[2] Greek Anthology 6.267.3-4 (Diotimus), a dedication to Artemis; already at alpha 4566; cf. Gow and Page (vol. I, 94); (vol. II, 272-273); and further excerpts from this epigram at alpha 2486, kappa 1784, and sigma 874.
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. I, (Cambridge 1965)
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. II, (Cambridge 1965)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; law; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 March 2006@21:29:26.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented n.1 and keywords) on 22 March 2006@04:14:43.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 10 January 2013@06:05:26.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 7 January 2019@02:08:04.
Catharine Roth on 7 January 2019@02:10:49.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added bibliography, added cross-references) on 2 December 2021@20:36:13.


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