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Adler number: eta,583
Translated headword: Hesiod
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Kyme;[1] but he was raised as a youth by his father Dios and his mother Pukimede in
Askra in Boeotia. His genealogy is: the son of Dios, the son of Apellis, the son of Melanopos -- whom some say is [sc. also] grandfather of
Homer the founding-father, such that
Homer is the son of Hesiod's cousin, and each was descended from Atlas. These were his poems:
Works and Days,
Catalogue of Heroic Women in five books,
Dirge for some Batrakhos, who was his beloved, [a book] on the
Idaean Dactyls and many others. He died while visiting Antiphos and Ktimenos who, at night, intending to slay the seducer of their sister, killed Hesiod unintentionally. According to some he was older than
Homer, according to others contemporaneous: Porphyrios and most others make him younger by a hundred years, so as to place him only thirty-two years before the first Olympiad [776 BCE].[2]
Greek Original:*(hsi/odos, *kumai=os: ne/os de\ komisqei\s u(po\ tou= patro\s *di/ou kai\ mhtro\s *pukimh/dhs e)n *)/askrh| th=s *boiwti/as. genealogei=tai de\ ei)=nai tou= *di/ou, tou= *)apelli/dos, tou= *melanw/pou: o(/n fasi/ tines tou= *(omh/rou propa/toros ei)=nai pa/ppon, w(s a)neyiadou=n ei)=nai *(hsio/dou to\n *(/omhron, e(ka/teron de\ a)po\ tou= *)/atlantos kata/gesqai. poih/mata de\ au)tou= tau=ta: *qeogoni/a, *)/erga kai\ *(hme/rai, *)aspi/s, *gunaikw=n h(rwi+nw=n kata/logos e)n bibli/ois e#, *)epikh/deion ei)s *ba/traxo/n tina, e)rw/menon au)tou=, peri\ tw=n *)idai/wn *daktu/lwn: kai\ a)/lla polla/. e)teleu/thse de\ e)picenwqei\s par' *)anti/fw| kai\ *ktime/nw|, oi(\ nu/ktwr do/cantes a)nairei=n fqore/a a)delfh=s au)tw=n, a)nei=lon to\n *(hsi/odon a)/kontes. h)=n de\ *(omh/rou kata/ tinas presbu/teros, kata\ de\ a)/llous su/gxronos: *porfu/rios kai\ a)/lloi plei=stoi new/teron e(kato\n e)niautoi=s o(ri/zousin, w(s lb# mo/nous e)niautou\s sumproterei=n th=s prw/ths *)olumpia/dos.
On Hesiod see generally M.L. West in OCD(4) s.v.: 'one of the oldest known Greek poets, often coupled or contrasted with
Homer [
omicron 251] as the other main representative of early epic. Which was the older of the two was much disputed from the 5th cent. BC on (
Xenophanes in
Attic Nights 3.11.2;
Herodotus 2.53;
Ephorus FGrH 60 F101; etc.):
Homer's priority was carefully argued by
Aristarchus, and generally accepted in later antiquity. Hesiod's absolute date is now agreed to fall not far before or after 700 BC'.
See further on the biographical material Mary Lefkowitz,
The Lives of the Greek Poets (1981) chaps.1 (Hesiod) and 2 (
Homer). As regards the present Suda entry (attributed by Adler to
Hesychius of Miletus), it unsuccessfully conflates two opposing sources and thereby makes Hesiod
Homer's uncle
and cousin
and nephew.
[1] In
Aiolis (Asia Minor).
[2] Porphyrios of Tyre [
pi 2098] FGrH 260 F20a.
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; poetry; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 9 April 2000@17:45:45.
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