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Headword: *(/hlios
Adler number: eta,235
Translated headword: Helios
Vetting Status: high
After the death of Hephaistos, the king of Egypt,[1] Helios his son inherited the rulership, living 4477 days, which was 12 years, 3 months, 5 days. For some reckon the days as years, others the cycles of the moon, and others still the 4 seasons. Those who came to power afterwards and brought the country under their control reckoned time by the growth of the crops and called these properly "years". Helios, then, maintained the laws of his father,[2] and denounced his wife when he discovered she had been debauched. Homer changed this to make it poetic, saying that the sun [helios] exposed the fact that Aphrodite had lain with Ares, calling her desire "Aphrodite" and the soldier who was caught with her "Ares".[3]
Greek Original:
*(/hlios: meta\ th\n teleuth\n *(hfai/stou, tou= basile/ws *ai)gu/ptou, *(/hlios o( ui(o\s au)tou= th\n a)rxh\n diede/cato, zh/sas h(me/ras #22duoz#, w(s gi/nesqai e)/th ib#, mh=nas g#, h(me/ras e#. oi( me\n ga\r ta\s h(me/ras e)niautou\s e)yh/fizon, oi( de\ ta\s perio/dous th=s selh/nhs, e(/teroi de\ tou\s d# kairou/s. oi( ga\r meta\ tau=ta dunasteu/santes kai\ u(potelei=s ta\s xw/ras poih/santes a)po\ th=s au)ch/sews tw=n karpw=n tou\s xro/nous die/krinan kai\ e)niautou\s kuri/ws e)ka/lesan. o( toi/nun *(/hlios th\n tou= patro\s fula/ttwn nomoqesi/an, eu(rhkw\s moixeuome/nhn gunai=ka tau/thn e)qria/mbeusen. o(/per mete/bale poihtikw=s *(/omhros, o(/ti o( h(/lios th\n *)afrodi/thn e)/deice mignume/nhn tw=| *)/arei: *)afrodi/thn me\n th\n e)piqumi/an kale/sas, *)/area de\ to\n met' au)th=s katalhfqe/nta stratiw/thn.
From late historiography, apparently: cf. e.g. [John of Antioch] fr.6,8 FHG (4.543), now 7.2 Roberto, and John Malalas, Chronographia 2.1 (17.2-20 Thurn).
[1] See eta 661.
[2] See also eta 661.
[3] Homer, Odyssey 8.266 ff.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; chronology; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; law; mythology; poetry; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 June 2000@12:59:07.
Vetted by:
William Hutton on 13 June 2000@22:49:38.
William Hutton (Changes of wording, keywords) on 13 June 2000@23:00:37.
David Whitehead (added notes; augmented keywords) on 27 May 2003@05:29:16.
David Whitehead (added primary note and more keywords) on 13 December 2012@06:02:08.
David Whitehead (expanded a ref) on 29 January 2015@09:02:03.
David Whitehead on 22 April 2016@10:16:29.
Olivier Gengler (corrections to the references and the translation) on 5 July 2023@11:57:25.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 5 July 2023@16:56:58.


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