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Headword: *eu)tuxh/s
Adler number: epsilon,3782
Translated headword: Eutuches, Eutyches
Vetting Status: high
This man became the abbot of a monastery in Constantinople; he was third "shield-bearer"[1] of the godless section[2] [established] in accordance with [the doctrines of] Manes and Apollinarius.[3] He said that the Christ was one thing in himself and God the Word was another,[4] not accepting to confess that the flesh of the Lord was of the same being and nature as us; and he refused to say that two [distinct] natures were preserved in Christ along with their union and conjunction. Not only that but he also fabricated certain monstrous and alien additional [ideas] saying that the body of the Lord was brought down out of heaven and, as through a pipe, the divine word of God ran from heaven through the virgin, putting this on in order to seem to have come out of a woman although not having been begotten. This argument [is] even more Manichaean and fantastic than the former. This man also, in his distorted heart, represented[5] Christ [to be] one nature.
Greek Original:
*eu)tuxh/s: ou(=tos h(gou/menos ge/gonen e)n *kwnstantinoupo/lei monasthri/ou, th=s kata\ *ma/nenta kai\ *)apolina/rion a)ntiqe/ou moi/ras tri/tos u(paspisth/s, a)/llon ei)=nai par' e(autw=| to\n *xristo\n kai\ a)/llon to\n qeo\n lo/gon, mh\ a)nexo/menos o(moou/sion h(mi=n kai\ o(mofuh= th\n sa/rka tou= kuri/ou o(mologei=n: kai\ a)phrnei=to sw/|zesqai le/gein e)n tw=| *xristw=| du/o fu/seis meta\ th=s tou/twn e(nw/sew/s te kai\ sumfui/+as. ou) mh\n de\ a)lla\ kai\ teratw/dh tina\ kai\ a)llo/kota pare/platten, e)c ou)ranou= le/gwn katenexqh=nai to\ sw=ma tou= kuri/ou, kai\ w(s dia\ swlh=nos th=s parqe/nou paradramei=n to\n qeo\n lo/gon, ou)rano/qen tou=to e)ndedume/non, i(/na do/ch| gegenh=sqai e)k gunaiko\s kai/per mh\ gegennhme/nos. *manixai=os ou(=tos o( lo/gos kai\ pefantasme/nos pollw=| ma=llon e)kei/nou. mi/an fu/sin kai\ ou(=tos diestramme/nh| kardi/a| to\n *xristo\n e)pre/sbeuen.
From George the Monk, Chronicon 472.11-23, with divergencies noted below.
On Eutyches, see the Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1.
[1] For this word in its original, military sense see upsilon 162.
[2] In George's original this adjective is not a)ntiqe/ou but a)ntiqe/tou, 'opposed'.
[3] On Manes see mu 147; on Apollinarius, alpha 3398.
[4] This clause from George's paragraph on Nestorius (see nu 260) is here interpolated.
[5] On presbeu/w cf. LSJ, s.v., especially III (web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; imagery; military affairs; religion; women
Translated by: Nicholas Prey on 9 December 2002@10:30:59.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation, added link) on 9 December 2002@22:53:10.
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 10 December 2002@03:13:41.
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 6 May 2005@00:21:22.
Catharine Roth (added a note) on 17 May 2005@23:08:03.
Catharine Roth (added a keyword) on 3 October 2005@17:38:38.
Catharine Roth (changed a word) on 24 December 2005@18:26:30.
David Whitehead (typo; other cosmetics; another keyword) on 11 July 2007@09:49:24.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note 4) on 14 May 2012@01:47:50.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 16 November 2012@03:52:08.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 7 November 2014@02:11:48.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; more notes; another keyword) on 17 March 2016@04:22:04.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 12 March 2018@01:33:50.


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