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Search results for epsilon,3485 in Adler number:
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Headword: *eu)qarsw=s e)/pnei
Adler number: epsilon,3485
Translated headword: was breathing courageously
Vetting Status: high
Dexippus [writes]: "he, having placed every one of his opponents in second place, was breathing courageously from his experience."
Greek Original:
*eu)qarsw=s e)/pnei: *de/cippos: o( de\ pa/nta to\n a)nqista/menon tiqei\s e)n deute/rw| e)k th=s pei/ras eu)qarsw=s e)/pnei.
The same sentence (Dexippus FGrH 100 F37) is quoted with significant differences at alpha 3292. There, what serves as the headword phrase in this entry, eu)qarsw=s e)pnei, is rendered as eu)qarsw=s e)ph|/ei ("he attacked courageously"). Also, the phrase translated here as "from his experience" (e)k th=s pei/ras) does not appear in the other entry.
On Dexippus, a third-century CE orator and historian, see generally delta 237.
Keywords: athletics; biography; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: Kenneth Bumbaco on 4 October 2006@07:29:08.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (modified translation, augmented note, added keywords) on 4 October 2006@07:30:07.
David Whitehead (modified keywords; cosmetics) on 4 October 2006@07:43:16.
David Whitehead on 6 November 2012@07:23:22.


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