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Search results for epsilon,2238 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2238
Translated headword: thought, principle, impost, penalty, fine
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] notion and reasoning.[1]
In reference to theorems in geometry.[2]
"In the reign of Justinian the name of 'impost' was an unforeseen destruction which came suddenly upon those who owned land and utterly wiped out their hope of life. For finally when the lands had become desolate and barren, of which the masters and the farmers happened to have perished already or leaving their inherited land were being overcome [by] the misfortunes which fell on them because of these [imposts], they do not hesitate to bring [this] upon those who are not yet altogether destroyed."[3]
And this they[4] used to call e)pibolh/ and [the cognate verb] e)piba/llein, as a penalty prescribed for those guardians convicted for wrongdoing towards orphans or for certain others of those who had managed the public funds badly or for those holding others' property and not keeping it in the open. The penalty which the archons prescribe is called e)pibolh/, and the verb is e)piba/llein.[5]
Greek Original:*)epibolh/: e)/nnoia kai\ e)pixei/rhsis. e)pi\ qewrhma/twn gewmetrikw=n. e)pi\ de\ *)ioustinianou= to\ th=s e)pibolh=s o)/noma o)/leqros h)=n a)pro/optos e)capinai/ws toi=s ta\ xwri/a kekthme/nois e)pigino/menos pro/rrizo/n te au)toi=s e)ktri/bwn th\n tou= bi/ou e)lpi/da. xwri/wn ga\r te/los tw=n e)rh/mwn te kai\ a)po/rwn gegenhme/nwn, w(=n dh\ toi=s te kuri/ois kai\ toi=s gewrgoi=s h)/dh tetu/xhken a)polwle/nai th\n gh=n patrw/|an a)polipou=sin h)\ tou\s e)gkeime/nous sfi/si dia\ tau=ta kakou\s kru/ptesqai, ou)k a)phci/oun fe/rein toi=s ou)/pw diefqarme/nois panta/pasi. kai\ tou=to e)ka/loun e)pibolh\n kai\ e)piba/llein, w(s o(rizome/nh zhmi/a toi=s a(lou=sin e)chmarthke/nai peri\ o)rfanou\s e)pitro/pois h)\ kai\ a)/llois tisi\ tw=n ta\ dhmo/sia mh\ kalw=s dioikhsa/ntwn h)\ toi=s kate/xousi ta\ a)llo/tria kai\ mh\ ei)s e)mfane\s kaqista=sin. h(\n oi( a)/rxontes zhmi/an o(ri/zousin e)pibolh\ kalei=tai, kai\ to\ r(h=ma e)piba/llein.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica; and cf.
epsilon 2020. For other senses cf.
epsilon 2239,
epsilon 2240, and below.
[2] LSJ s.v. recognises no sense of this precise kind.
Secret History 23.15-16, imperfectly quoted (translation at web address 1, Greek text at web address 2); cf. Kaldellis (103). On oppressive taxation under Justinian (see
iota 446 generally), cf.
delta 532.
[4] The Athenians of the classical period.
[5] cf. a scholion on
Wasps 769 (see
epsilon 2240), as well as similar glosses in other lexica. On the phenomenon note generally S.C. Todd,
The Shape of Athenian Law (Oxford 1993) 80: 'various magistrates had the power to exact
epibolai (summary fines) without reference to a court (
Athenaion Politeia 56.7; cf.
Lysias 30.3)'.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and trans., Prokopios: The Secret History, (Indianapolis 2010)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: agriculture; biography; children; chronology; comedy; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; mathematics; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 16 September 2007@22:22:30.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 17 September 2007@03:45:27.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 10 October 2012@08:03:26.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 January 2016@04:44:59.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 11 August 2017@21:14:40.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.3; added bibliography, cross-references, keyword, and link) on 3 June 2024@11:03:34.
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