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Search results for epsilon,1548 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)ecapa/th
Adler number: epsilon,1548
Translated headword: deceit
Vetting Status: high
[Symeon] the Logothete in the Martyrdom of Kalikelados [writes]: "in a short time [they] recognizing that the visions [were] not deceit and dream, but wakefulness and truth ..."
Greek Original:
*)ecapa/th: o( *logoqe/ths e)n tw=| marturi/w| tou= *kalikela/dou: e)n o)li/gw| de\ sunido/ntes w(s ou)k e)capa/th kai\ o)/neiros ta\ o(rw/mena, a)ll' e)grh/gorsis kai\ a)lh/qeia.
Symeon Metaphrastes PG 116.388c.
(The more authentic spelling of the martyr's name is with double lambda; cf. kappa 220).
Keywords: Christianity; dreams; ethics; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 June 2007@00:54:46.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 10 June 2007@05:04:40.
David Whitehead (removed a keyword) on 15 March 2011@10:45:47.
David Whitehead on 10 September 2012@05:38:58.
David Whitehead (added a note, prompted by Dr Nick Nicholas) on 22 December 2015@03:24:32.


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