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Headword: *)enwmoti/a
Adler number: epsilon,1408
Translated headword: enomotia
Vetting Status: high
A military unit [consisting] of 25 men[1] amongst [the] Spartans.[2] Its name derives from the [fact that] they swore [o)mnu/nai] not to desert the unit.[3]
But others [define] an enomotia as the half of the lochos;[4] the same thing is also [called] a dekania; and others assert that an enomotia is the quarter of the lochos.[5] Also [sc. attested is the term] enomotarch, its leader.[6]
Greek Original:
*)enwmoti/a: ta/cis tis stratiwtikh\ a)ndrw=n e# kai\ k# para\ *lakedaimoni/ois. ei)/rhtai de\ a)po\ tou= o)mnu/nai au)tou\s mh\ lei/yein th\n ta/cin. oi( de\ e)nwmoti/an to\ h(/misu tou= lo/xou: to\ au)to\ de\ kai\ dekani/a: oi( de\ to\ te/tarton tou= lo/xou e)nwmoti/an fasi/. kai\ *)enwmota/rxhs, o( au)th=s a)/rxwn.
For this headword in another sense see epsilon 1409. The present entry, like others of its type, struggles to combine definitions of (Spartan and other) army terminology found in the classical period -- in this instance in Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon, principally -- with their later and often different meanings in Hellenistic-era and Roman-era military treatises. See further below.
[1] cf. scholia to Thucydides 5.66.3. (But an e)nwmoti/a of 32 soldiers is referred to by scholia to Thucydides 5.68.3.)
[2] cf. Xenophon, Constitution of the Lacedaemonians 11.8. (Wrongly assigned to the Athenians by a glossator to Herodotus 1.65.5.)
[3] Etymology as in Timaeus, Platonic Lexicon epsilon985b10. See also e.g. Hesychius epsilon3464, ta/cis tis dia\ sfagi/wn e)nw/motos.
[4] (For the lochos see lambda 706, lambda 718, lambda 719.) Compare Arrian, Tactica 6.3: 'Xenophon does not make clear how much of a lochos the e)nwmoti/a is'.
[5] oi( de\ to\ te/tarton - o( au)th=s a)/rxwn (Arrian, Tactica 6.3; cf. Aelian, Tactica 5.2; Asclepiodotus 2.2).
[6] See already epsilon 1407; and cf. Etymologicum Magnum 345.12ff., with the gloss ta/cews tino\s stratiwtikh=s a)/rxwn para\ *lakedaimoni/ois.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Antonella Ippolito on 20 September 2007@11:35:41.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (betacode typo) on 20 September 2007@17:38:37.
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; augmented notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 23 September 2007@07:23:20.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 28 August 2012@06:50:34.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 18 November 2014@23:37:33.
Catharine Roth (tweaked reference) on 18 November 2014@23:41:34.
Catharine Roth (tweak) on 22 December 2014@00:32:18.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 24 December 2014@20:30:27.
David Whitehead (cosmetic) on 13 January 2016@03:05:46.


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