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Search results for delta,850 in Adler number:
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Headword: *diayh/fisis
Adler number: delta,850
Translated headword: review-balloting
Vetting Status: high
[Review-balloting] and voting-off. The citizens [sc. of Athens] each come together in their own demes and engage in a secret ballot concerning those whose citizenship is the subject of accusation or has been mis-registered; e.g. Acharnians about Acharnians and the Eleusinians about Eleusinians and the remaining demesmen likewise. And this is called review-balloting. Accordingly, those who get more votes possess their citizenship indisputedly, but any who receive fewer votes are no longer acknowledged [sc. as demesmen and citizens], and this is voting-off.
Greek Original:
*diayh/fisis kai\ *)apoyh/fisis: oi( poli=tai suni/asin e(/kastoi kata\ tou\s au(tw=n dh/mous kai\ peri\ tw=n ai)ti/an e)xo/ntwn h)\ pareggegramme/nwn ei)s th\n politei/an yh=fon fe/rousi kru/bdhn: oi(=on *)axarnei=s peri\ *)axarne/wn kai\ peri\ *)eleusini/wn oi( *)eleusi/nioi kai\ oi( loipoi\ dhmo/tai paraplhsi/ws. kai\ tou=to diayh/fisis kalei=tai. oi( me\n ou)=n pleio/nwn yh/fwn tugxa/nontes a)namfisbhth/tws th\n politei/an e)/xousin, o(/soi d' a)\n e)la/ttonas yh/fous la/bwsin, ou)ke/ti nomi/zontai, kai\ tou=to/ e)stin h( a)poyh/fisis.
Likewise in Photius; and cf. the scholia to Demosthenes 57.26, where diapsephiseis are mentioned.
See already alpha 3658, and again delta 851.
Keywords: constitution; definition; geography; history; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 May 2003@05:48:51.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 27 May 2003@01:38:46.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 3 July 2012@08:11:56.
David Whitehead on 23 August 2013@08:30:48.


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