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Search results for delta,412 in Adler number:
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Headword: *dhmagwgiko/s
Adler number: delta,412
Translated headword: demagogue-like, like a demagogue
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] general-like. Polybius [writes]: "Molpagoras, a man competent to speak and act, but by choice demagogue-like and greedy; having secured autocratic power for himself he was killed by certain people".[1]
And elsewhere: "for demagogy is not a characteristic of a man of culture or one decent in behaviour but [belongs] to the ignorant and disgusting". Aristophanes says [this].[2]
Greek Original:
*dhmagwgiko/s: strathgiko/s. *polu/bios: *molpago/ras, a)nh\r le/gein kai\ pra/ttein i(kano/s, kata\ de\ th\n ai(/resin dhmagwgiko\s kai\ pleone/kths: o(\s monarxikh\n e)cousi/an e(autw=| peripoihsa/menos a)nh|re/qh para/ tinwn. kai\ au)=qis: h( dhmagwgi/a ga\r ou) pro\s mousikou= e)stin a)ndro\s ou)de\ xrhstou= tou\s tro/pous, a)ll' ei)s a)maqh= kai\ bdeluro/n. *)aristofa/nhs fhsi/.
cf. generally delta 411, delta 413.
[1] An abbreviated version of Polybius 15.21.1-2. See mu 1204 and the notes there.
[2] Aristophanes, Knights 191-3 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 July 2001@03:40:20.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword) on 5 September 2002@10:51:11.
William Hutton (cosmetics, added link, set status) on 19 July 2003@05:14:10.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 9 October 2005@06:27:29.
David Whitehead (x-refs; more keywords; cosmetics) on 25 June 2012@08:05:46.
David Whitehead on 16 October 2015@03:23:14.


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