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Search results for delta,340 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,340
Translated headword: terrible
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "It is terrible, O stranger, to awaken the evil that has been lying quiet for a long time" -- that is, to awaken and stir up things which happened unfortunately a long time ago. Nevertheless I desire to know the cause of your disability.[1]
Callimachus [writes]: "Why do you awaken a sleeping tear"?[2]
Aristophanes [writes]: "it is terrible for the spirit of a man to be so unripe that he throws and cries and doesn't want to hear anything bringing equal to equal." Meaning raw and harsh; figuratively from unripe grapes. For this is what the clusters are called when they are sour and not yet ripe. Contrariwise, that which is ripe and sweet [is called]
pe/panos. [They say]
o)/mfakas in the feminine. And
Plato the comic poet in his play
Festivals [writes]: "relax your eyebrows and your grapes." Bringing equal to equal means just and fair, from a metaphor of wine mixed equally with water. He says to speak and hear equally.[3]
And elsewhere: "men knowing how to eat and powerful of belly -- I mean of course Kleisophoses and Therons and Strouthiases and Chairephons."[4]
Greek Original:*deino/n: deino\n me\n to\ pa/lai kei/menon h)/dh kako/n, w)= cei=n', e)pegei/rein. toute/sti to\ e)pegei/rein kai\ a)nakinei=n ta\ pa/lai sumba/nta dusxere/s: o(/mws de\ maqei=n e)piqumw= th\n ai)ti/an th=s phrw/sews. kai\ *kalli/maxos: ti/ da/kruon eu(=don e)gei/reis; *)aristofa/nhs: deino\n me\n ga\r ou(/tws o)mfaki/an pefuke/nai to\n qumo\n a)ndrw=n w(/ste ba/llein kai\ boa=n e)qe/lein t' a)kou=sai mhde\n i)/son i)/sw| fe/ron. a)nti\ tou= w)mo\n kai\ sklhro/n: metaforikw=s a)po\ tw=n o)mfa/kwn. ou(/tw de\ ai( stafulai\ drimei=ai ou)=sai kai\ ou)/pw pe/peiroi kalou=ntai. e)k ga\r tou= e)nanti/ou pepano\n to\ w(/rimon kai\ h(du/. qhlukw=s de\ ta\s o)/mfakas. kai\ *pla/twn o( kwmiko\s e)n dra/mati *(eortai=s: kai\ ta\s o)fru=s sxa/sasqe kai\ ta\s o)/mfakas. i)/son de\ i)/sw| fe/ron, a)nti\ tou= di/kaion kai\ e)c i)/sou: a)po\ metafora=s tou= kirname/nou oi)/nou pro\s i)/son u(/dwr. le/gei de\ kat' i)/son ei)pei=n kai\ a)kou=sai. kai\ au)=qis: a)nqrw/pous e)sqi/ein ble/pontas kai\ deinou\s kata\ gaste/ra: le/gw dh\ *kleiso/fous te kai\ *qh/rwnas kai\ *strouqi/as kai\ *xairefw=ntas.
deino/s in other senses see
delta 343,
delta 344,
delta 351,
delta 352.
Oedipus at Colonus 510-511 (web address 1), with scholion.
Callimachus Fragmenta incertae sedis 682 Pfeiffer.
Acharnians 352-354 (web address 2) with scholion;
Plato Comicus fr. 32 Kock, now 31 K.-A. Again at
omicron 315.
Aelian fr.111a Domingo-Forasté (108 Hercher), quoted more fully at
kappa 1762 (where the participle is
ei)do/tas "knowing" rather than
ble/pontas "looking" as here).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; imagery; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 May 2005@00:12:46.
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