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Search results for delta,326 in Adler number:
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Headword: *deimai/nei
Adler number: delta,326
Translated headword: is frightened
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he/she/it] fears.[1]
Procopius [writes]: "neither fearing any fear in the presence of her spouse nor did she ever derive any shame from an action."[2]
"All of them were afraid and were astounded by listening to the eunuch Eutropius, just like the suitors seeing Odysseus stripped of his rags."[3]
Also [sc. attested is] deimai/nonta, [meaning him] fearing.[4]
"They were especially afraid also for the circuit-wall, surrounding a large area."[5]
Greek Original:
*deimai/nei: fobei=tai. *proko/pios: ou)de/ ti pro\s tou= cunoikou=ntos deimai/nousa de/os ou)/te ai)dw= tina e)/rgou e)la/mbane pw/pote. pa/ntes deimai/nontes tou= eu)nou/xou *eu)tropi/ou th\n a)koh\n e)cesth/kesan, kaqa/per oi( mnhsth=res to\n *)odusse/a gumnwqe/nta tw=n r(aki/wn i)do/ntes. kai\ *deimai/nonta, fobou/menon. oi( de\ ma/lista me\n kai\ w(s a)mfi\ tw=| peribo/lw| deimai/nontes, xw/ran peribeblhme/nw| pollh/n.
cf. generally delta 321, delta 324, delta 325, delta 327.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica. The headword must be quoted from somewhere (perhaps Plato, Republic 330E, though there are other possibilities; cf. e.g. under delta 1071).
[2] An approximation of Procopius, Secret History 1.13 (web address 1), describing the shamelessness of the wife of Belisarius. Cf. kappa 536.
[3] Attributed to Eunapius by Bernhardy, comparing frs. 66-67 FHG (4.44). (Odysseus sheds his rags -- and proceeds to kill his wife's suitors -- at the beginning of Homer, Odyssey 22.)
[4] Perhaps quoted from Herodotus (3.35.4 or 9.73.2).
[5] Procopius, History of the Wars of Justinian 2.6.24 (web address 2), on the citizenry of Hierapolis (in modern-day northern Syria, cf. alpha 465 note), confronted with a ransom demand by the invading Persian king Chosroes in 540 CE; cf. Kaldellis (86) and further context at alpha 2363 and gamma 422.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and H.B. Dewing, trans., Prokopios: The Wars of Justinian, (Indianapolis 2014)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; clothing; definition; epic; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2005@20:04:15.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 31 March 2005@04:36:30.
David Whitehead (modified translation; another note and keyword) on 31 March 2005@07:39:04.
David Whitehead (augmented n.3) on 31 March 2005@07:54:10.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 20 June 2012@05:06:36.
David Whitehead on 20 June 2012@05:12:14.
David Whitehead on 11 October 2015@10:05:57.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 26 April 2019@02:35:33.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.5, added bibliography, added cross-references, added link) on 14 January 2024@11:26:15.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 15 January 2024@00:21:18.


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