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Search results for delta,1445 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1445
Translated headword: Dodonian bronze
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who speak a little. For
Demon says that the oracle of Zeus at
Dodona is surrounded by cauldrons in a circle. They touch each other, and when one is struck all of them resound in succession, so that the sound continues to go around for a long time.[1] But
Aristotle, refuting this story as a fiction, says that there are two pillars, and on one of them a cauldron and on the other a boy holding a whip. The thongs of this are of bronze and when they are shaken by the wind they strike against the cauldron, and when it is struck it resounds.[2]
Menander uses the proverb in
Pipers.[3] [...] in reply to
Demon:[4] if there were many [cauldrons], the proverb would not be stated in the singular.
Greek Original:*dwdwnai=on xalkei=on: e)pi\ tw=n mikrologou/ntwn. *dh/mwn ga/r fhsin, o(/ti to\ tou= *dio\s mantei=on e)n *dwdw/nh| le/bhsin e)n ku/klw| periei/lhptai: tou/tous de\ yau/ein a)llh/lois, kai\ krousqe/ntos tou= e(no\s h)xei=n e)k diadoxh=s pa/ntas, w(s dia\ pollou= xro/nou gi/nesqai th=s h)xh=s th\n peri/odon. *)aristote/lhs de\ w(s pla/sma diele/gxwn du/o fhsi\ stu/lous ei)=nai kai\ e)pi\ me\n tou= e(te/rou le/bhta, e)pi\ qate/rou de\ pai=da kratou=nta ma/stiga, h(=s tou\s i(ma/ntas xalke/ous o)/ntas seiome/nous u(p' a)ne/mou tw=| le/bhti proskrou/ein, to\n de\ tupto/menon h)xei=n. ke/xrhtai th=| paroimi/a| *me/nandros *au)lhtri/si. pro\s *dh/mwna. ei) de\ polloi\ h)=san, ou)k a)\n e(nikw=s e)le/geto h( paroimi/a.
Also in
Lexicon delta866 Theodoridis (though the Suda adds the first, paroemiographer-like sentence) and cf. generally
delta 1446,
delta 1447. For the present headword phrase, cross-referenced at
chi 37, see the paroemiographers (who however, together with
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v.
Dodona, gloss it as those who speak
a lot. Thus Adler might have been better-advised to print (or at least comment on) the reading she reports in ms F:
e)pi\ tw=n makrologou/ntwn).
Demon FGrH 327 F20.
[2] '
Aristotle' is a mistake; Steph. Byz. has 'in
Aristides' (FGrH 286 F30); cf.
epsilon 3154.
Menander fr. 65 K.-A. (66 Kock, 60 Koerte), line 3.
[4] Several scholars, beginning with Bernhardy (see Theodoridis on
Photius, above), have postulated a lacuna before this phrase, and fill it with some form of words involving the name of the Attidographer
Philochorus; cf. FGrH 328 F72.
Keywords: aetiology; art history; comedy; daily life; geography; historiography; proverbs; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 March 2005@22:01:56.
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