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Headword: *xairefw=n
Adler number: chi,159
Translated headword: Chairephon, Chaerephon
Vetting Status: high
Chairephon [was] one of the closest acquaintances of Socrates. None of his writings seem to be preserved. For he appears to have been very rude to and hated by his brother. And Xenophon[1] says that Socrates, having gathered them together, said that there is no profit for eyes if there is no agreement [between them], nor to hands or feet. Chairephon was from the deme Sphettos.
Greek Original:
*xairefw=n: tw=n a)/gan gnwri/mwn *swkra/tous o( *xairefw=n. ou)de\n de\ au)tou= dokei= sw/|zesqai tw=n suggramma/twn. dokei= ga\r gene/sqai pa/nu qermo\s kai\ sfo/dra e)xqreu=sai ta)delfw=|. kai/ fhsi *cenofw=n to\n *swkra/thn suna/gonta au)tou\s le/gein, w(s ou)de\n o)fqalmw=n o)/felos ei)/h, ei) mh\ sumfwnoi=en, ou)de\ xeirw=n ou)de\ podw=n. dh/mou de\ h)=n o( *xairefw=n *sfh/ttios.
For Chairephon see also chi 158, chi 160. The present entry draws on the scholia to Aristophanes, Clouds 144, where he is mentioned.
[1] Xenophon, Memorabilia 2.3.1-19, esp.18-19. This is Xenophon's account of a dispute between Chairephon and his brother Chairecrates. The reference to eyes, hands, and feet is explained here.
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; geography; historiography; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Joseph Wrightson on 29 April 2000@17:22:47.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented note; added keywords; cosmetics) on 2 July 2002@06:18:39.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 7 August 2011@10:05:24.


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