Suda On Line
Search results for beta,514 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,514
Translated headword: Branchidai, Branchidae
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Those living in Milesian
Didyma,[1] who, in seeking favor with Xerxes, betrayed the temple of the indigenous Apollo to the barbarians: the temple offerings, of which there were a great number, were plundered. The traitors, fearing vengeance from both the laws and the inhabitants of the city, asked Xerxes to pay them for this wretched betrayal and settle them in some Asian land. He agreed, and in exchange for what was evil and unholy, allowed them to live where they would never again set foot upon Greece and both they and future generations would be removed from the fear besetting them.[2] Then, having obtained the land with birds of ill-omen, they established a city and gave it the name Branchidai, thinking they had not only escaped the Milesians, but also justice itself. But the watchfulness of the god was not asleep. For Alexander, when he obtained mastery of the Persian empire upon conquering Darius, heard of their daring and conceived a hatred for them and their successive generations; so he killed them all, judging that the offspring of evil is evil. He overthrew their pseudonymous city and razed it to the ground.[3]
Greek Original:*bragxi/dai: o(/ti oi( e)n *dindu/mois th=s *milhsi/as oi)kou=ntes *ce/rch| xarizo/menoi to\n new\n tou= e)pixwri/ou *)apo/llwnos toi=s barba/rois prou)/dosan: kai\ e)sulh/qh ta\ a)naqh/mata pa/mpleista o)/nta. dedio/tes ou)=n oi( prodo/tai th\n e)k tw=n no/mwn kai\ tw=n e)n a)/stei timwri/an de/ontai *ce/rcou misqo\n labei=n th=s kaki/sths e)kei/nhs prodosi/as, metoikisqh=nai e)n xw/rw| tini\ *)asianw=|. o( de\ pei/qetai, kai\ a)nq' w(=n ei)=xe kakw=s kai\ a)sebw=s, e)/dwken au)toi=s oi)kei=n e)/nqen ou)k e)/mellon e)pibh/sesqai th=s *(ella/dos e)/ti, a)ll' e)/cw tou= de/ous e)/sesqai tou= kateilhfo/tos au)toi/ te kai\ to\ e)kei/nwn ge/nos. ka)=|ta laxo/ntes dh\ to\n xw=ron e)n oi)wnoi=s ou)damh= xrhstoi=s po/lin e)gei/rousi kai\ ti/qentai *bragxi/das o)/noma au)th=| kai\ w)/|onto mh\ mo/nous a)podra=nai *milhsi/ous, a)lla\ kai\ th\n di/khn au)th/n. ou) mh\n e)ka/qeuden h( tou= qeou= pro/noia: *)ale/candros ga\r, o(/te to\n *darei=on nikh/sas th=s *persw=n a)rxh=s e)gkrath\s e)ge/neto, a)kou/sas ta\ tolmhqe/nta kai\ mish/sas au)tw=n th\n tou= ge/nous diadoxh\n a)pe/kteine pa/ntas, kakou\s ei)=nai kri/nwn tou\s tw=n kakw=n e)kgo/nous, kai\ th\n yeudw/numon po/lin kate/skaye, kai\ h)fani/sqhsan.
Aelian fr. 57 Domingo-Forasté (54 Hercher).
[1] Here and elsewhere (
delta 1127) the Suda actually has "Dindyma".
[2] 479 BCE.
[3] 329 BCE. See generally A.B. Bosworth,
Conquest and Empire: the reign of Alexander the Great (Cambridge 1988) 108-9, with bibliography.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; definition; ethics; geography; history; law; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Joseph McAlhany on 14 October 2001@11:59:24.
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