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Search results for beta,164 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,164
Translated headword: Basiliskos, Basiliscus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Basiliskos,] the emperor of the eastern Romans, exacted money from the bishops of the churches and came close to expelling Akakios the bishop of Constantinople, if he had not been prevented by a large number of the so-called "monks." He was also very desirous of money, so as not to be able to keep his hands off of the money even of those who practiced the base and mechanical arts. And everyone was full of tears at the collection of such taxes.
Look also under Harmatos.[1]
Greek Original:*basili/skos: o(/ti *basili/skos, o( *(rwmai/wn tw=n e(w/|wn basileu\s, tw=n e)kklhsiw=n tou\s e)pisko/pous ei)se/pratte xrh/mata kai\ *)aka/kion to\n *kwnstantinoupo/lews e)pi/skopon mikrou= dei=n a)pw/sato, ei) mh\ tw=| plh/qei tw=n legome/nwn monaxw=n a)pekrou/sqh. polu/s te h)=n pro\s e)piqumi/an xrhma/twn, w(s mhde\ au)tw=n tw=n ta\s eu)telei=s kai\ banau/sous metio/ntwn e)pisth/mas a)pe/xesqai. kai\ h)=n a(/panta mesta\ dakru/wn th=| tw=n toiou/twn ei)sforw=n ei)spra/cei. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| *(arma/tos.
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Keywords: biography; Christianity; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; politics; religion
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 6 June 2002@10:22:24.
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