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Adler number: alphaiota,178
Translated headword: Aelian, Aelianus, Ailianos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Praeneste in Italy.[1] High-priest and sophist; surnamed Claudius. He was nicknamed 'honey-tongued' or 'honey-voiced'. He was a sophist in Rome itself in the period after Hadrian.[2]
Greek Original:*ai)liano/s, a)po\ *prainestou= th=s *)itali/as, a)rxiereu\s kai\ sofisth/s, o( xrhmati/sas *klau/dios: o(\s e)peklh/qh meli/glwssos h)\ meli/fqoggos: kai\ e)sofi/steusen e)n *(rw/mh| au)th=| e)pi\ tw=n meta\ *)adriano\n xro/nwn.
Aelianus (c. 170-235), Roman author and teacher of rhetoric at Rome, was born at
Praeneste, offspring of freedmen, and flourished under the reign of Septimius
Severus (192-211). He wrote in Greek and was admired for it; according to
Philostratus, (
Lives of the Sophists 624-5), “he wrote Attic as correctly as the Athenians in the interior of Attica” (trans. by Wright).
Aelian’s major works are
De natura animalium, a collection, in 17 books, of brief and curious stories of natural history, and
Varia Historia, a miscellany of anecdotes, lists, maxims and descriptions, in 14 books.
Aelian is quoted on no fewer than 247 occasions in the Suda; these quotations include references to two other works,
*Peri\ *Pronoi/as and
*Peri\ qei/wn e)nargei/wn. Also attributed to him is a collection of fictitious letters, the so-called
Epistulae Rusticae, purportedly addressed to and by Attic farmers.
Aelianus (11); NP
Ailianos (2); OCD4
Lives of the Sophists 2.31.
pi 2235 Prainestos.
[2] 117-138.
J.F. Kindstrand, 'Claudius Aelianus und sein Werk', ANRW II 34.4 (1998) 2954-96
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; imagery; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 11 February 2001@10:02:31.
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