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Search results for alpha,899 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,899
Translated headword: uncalled, unsummoned
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] unnamed.[1]
"You have given yourself uncalled to the second one".[2] ['Uncalled'] meaning unnamed. "Unsummoned and summoned, the god will be present; for the god does not overlook those seeking virtue. For thus was an oracle given to the Lakedaimonians: summoned and unsummoned alike, god will be present, outside all perception. For one does not need speech to teach necessary things, nor hearing to learn [them]".[3]
Greek Original:*)/aklhton: a)nw/numon. de/dwkas seauto\n a)/klhton tw=| deute/rw|. a)nti\ tou= a)nw/numon. a)/klhtos o( qeo\s kai\ kalou/menos pare/stai: ou) parora=| ga\r o( qeo\s tou\s a)reth=s a)ntipoioume/nous. ou(/tw ga\r e)do/qh xrhsmo\s toi=s *lakedaimoni/ois: kalou/meno/s te ka)/klhtos qeo\s pare/stai e)/cw pa/shs ai)sqh/sews. ou) ga\r fwnh=s dei=tai pro\s to\ dida/cai ta\ de/onta, ou)de\ a)koh=s pro\s to\ maqei=n.
[1] If the headword is extracted from the first quotation given it is masculine accusative singular (rather than neuter nominative/accusative singular). Same glossing in
Hesychius. (In
Photius the headword is
[2] Julian,
Letter 82.
[3] Julian,
Speech 8 (249-250); cf.
kappa 254 and
kappa 1798.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; history; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 23 February 2000@02:06:28.
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