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Headword: *(arma/tos
Adler number: alpha,3970
Translated headword: Harmatos, Harmatius
Vetting Status: high
Given that the emperor Basiliscus, as Harmatos was his relative, unsuspectingly permitted him to meet Zenonis the empress, [and] since there was frequent converse between them and since their beauty was not easy to overlook, both loved each other extraordinarily. There were castings of glances at each other and continuous turns of their faces and exchanges of smiles; and after these things the problem was one of keeping love hidden from sight. When they had communicated the situation to Daniel the eunuch and Maria the waiting-woman, they managed to cure this with the medicine of intercourse,[1] and Zenonis through flattery convinced Basiliscus that her lover should have the chief positions in the state. But Theodoric seeing Harmatos honored above all was vexed since he was surpassed in reputation by this young man who thought only of his hair and other bodily training.[2] Harmatos, deranged by the limitless supply of money and honor, supposed no one would surpass him in bravery. And this dementia controlled him to such an extent that he took up the accoutrement of Achilles and thus rode around on horseback and pranced around his house near the hippodrome.[3] And being called Pyrrhus[4] by the mob of the people in their acclamations incited him to be fixated on this sort of repute; if they called him this because he had a ruddy complexion they were saying something reasonable,[5] but if it was intended as praise of bravery they were beguiling [him] as [one would] a child; for he did not smite heroes like Pyrrhus, but he was a womanizer like Paris.[6]
Greek Original:
*(arma/tos: o(/ti *basili/skos o( basileu\s, e)pei/per w(s suggenei= tw=| *(arma/tw| a)dew=s e)pe/trepen e)ntugxa/nein *zhnwni/di th=| basili/di, tribome/nhs sfi/si th=s o(mili/as kai\ tou= ka/llous au)tw=n ou)k eu)parodeu/tou o)/ntos, a)/mfw a)llh/lwn e)kto/pws h)/rwn. r(i/yeis ou)=n o)mma/twn e)p' a)llh/lous e)gi/nonto kai\ parekstrofai\ sunexei=s prosw/pwn kai\ meidiama/twn metado/seis: po/nos te meta\ tau=ta e)/rwtos u(p' o)/yin stegome/nou. e)pei\ de\ koinwsa/menoi to\ pa/qos *danih\l eu)nou/xw| kai\ *mari/a| mai/a| i)a/santo tou=to mo/lis th=| th=s mi/cews i)atrei/a|, *zhnwni\s *basili/skon dia\ qwpei/as h)=ge tou= to\n e)rasth\n e)/xein e)n th=| politei/a| ta\ prwtei=a. o(rw=n de\ *qeodw/rixos timw/menon e)k pa/ntwn *(arma/ton h)/sxallen w(s pareudokimou/menos e)k ne/ou trixw=n mo/non kai\ th=s a)/llhs fronti/zontos swmaski/as. o( d' *(arma/tos e)/k te fora=s xrhma/twn kai\ timh=s a)ple/tou tufwqei\s ou)de/na au)tou= w)/|eto dioi/sein e)p' a)ndrei/a|. kai\ tosou=ton au)tou= h(/de h( a)/lh e)kra/tei, w(s skeuh\n a)nalamba/nein *)axille/ws, ou(/tw te peribai/nein e)s i(/ppon kai\ kata\ to\n i(ppo/dromon frua/ttesqai tou= oi)/kou. e)ch=|re de\ tou=ton plei/w pro\s toiau/thn do/can mai/nesqai to\ u(po\ dh/mou su/rfakos e)n eu)fhmi/ais a)nakalei=sqai *pu/rron: o(\s ei) me\n ou(/tws e)bo/a dia\ to\ e)ruqropro/swpon ei)=nai, e)/legen ei)ko/ta, ei) d' w(s pro\s e)/painon a)ndrei/as, e)/qelgen w(s ne/on. ou) ga\r h(/rwas e)/ballen w(s *pu/rros, a)lla\ gunaimanh\s h)=n w(s *pa/ris.
Malchus fr.8 FHG (4.117), still 8 Cresci; see already alpha 3968.
[1] cf. iota 57.
[2] cf. alpha 4301, sigma 838.
[3] cf. alpha 1167.
[4] Pyrrhus/Neoptolemus [Author, Myth] was Achilles' son.
[5] For a (general) explanation of this word-play see pi 3235.
[6] cf. sigma 1671.
Keywords: biography; children; clothing; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; mythology; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 March 2002@00:57:28.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and keywords) on 25 August 2002@06:41:48.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 24 October 2003@04:26:02.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; more keywords; cosmetics) on 12 April 2012@08:26:29.
William Hutton (tweaked translation) on 16 March 2014@10:50:49.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 January 2015@08:00:46.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 5 November 2015@17:56:07.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 18 October 2018@02:20:00.
Catharine Roth (another cross-reference) on 27 December 2018@01:48:30.


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