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Headword: *)arri/xous
Adler number: alpha,3942
Translated headword: hampers
Vetting Status: high
Feminine, ta\s a)rri/xous [accusative plural], [from the nominative singular] h( a)rri/xh. But some explain [it as a] basket. It should therefore be considered to be out of the same type, but something different. They still say, even now, that hampers are a type of box.
Hampers [are] a type of basket, which they used to pull up on cords.[1]
Greek Original:
*)arri/xous: qhlukw=s, ta\s a)rri/xous, h( a)rri/xh. e)chgou=ntai de/ tines ko/finon. h(ghte/on ou)=n e)k me\n tou= au)tou= ge/nous ei)=nai, dia/foron de/ ti. le/gousi de\ kai\ nu=n e)/ti swra/kwn ti ei)=dos a)rri/xous. o(/ti ai( a)rri/xai ei)=dos kofi/nwn, ou(\s ei)w/qasi dia\ sxoini/wn a)nima=n.
From the scholia to Aristophanes, Birds 1309, where a slave is told to run and fetch "the hampers and the baskets". Dunbar ad loc. notes that the ancient commentators clearly did not know the difference between the two terms (for all their efforts to pretend otherwise).
[1] Quoted from alpha 2313.
Aristophanes, Birds, edited with introduction and commentary by Nan Dunbar (Oxford 1995)
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 July 2001@23:26:23.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note, bibliography, keyword; cosmetics) on 31 July 2001@05:53:19.
David Whitehead (added note) on 25 August 2002@04:58:26.
David Whitehead (betacode and other cosmetics) on 12 April 2012@06:24:46.


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